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im wearing tight shoes

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i have to start over... no excuses...  relapsed.... alot of stress going on here... and i couldnt cope....

i just want to die!..

why does it have to be so hard..

gotta start reading and gonna start over right away... but i m having a real hard time... omg..


No freakin way REALLY??? You weren't hangin with us very much anymore friend and let your your 'crazy head' I mean addiction run the show...Really important to examine the events leading up to it so you can do it DIFFERENTLY this time...

Glad you are back...You need a 'quititude adjustment' You woke up all the receptors and they are giving you a run for your money...YOU ARE IN CHARGE HERE if you want to be. xo

It takes the mindset that we aren't giving up anything...we are doing it because we want to and not signing up for a lifetime of deprivation but a lifetime of freedom...that is the personal journey no one can take for us...We will be here for you every step of the way! xo"YOU are worth SO MUCH MORE than a cigarette" xo


Together we can do this...BE that warrior your avatar invokes...You picked her for a reason and you CHOSE the name NEW LIFE for a reason so stay strong...NO EXcuses! xo



I was wondering where you had disappeared to! I am so sorry for your loss! Do not put off getting back in the saddle! We are here for you!

Joy really said it all! 


Did the cigarette help you cope?  I doubt it.  Get it back.  NOW!  You'll feel better about yourself instantly. 


H.O.P.E. = hold on pain ends♥ I believe in you. You have had a set back, as we all have had. Do NOT berate serves no purpose. I smoked for 48 yrs. I had several failed attempts at quitting. We are all in this together, we are each other's lifeline. Stay close to EX, you know one of us is always here to grab your hand. Have FAITHn as you did before and repeat, N.O.P.E. We will help you to hold on to this forever quit♥


as long as you believe smoking solves problems......


Maybe you just needed to learn smoking won't stop life from happening to get back on track. The relapse did not actually kill you so everything is fine. Nyima just posted a blog about attitude which I found helpful. It's a choice everyday.

Welcome back!


You have to really really understand, believe and accept that smoking does nothing to help. Nothing at all.  I've had some really hard times lately ... lost a loved one, among other things..... but I don't automatically think to smoke during painful, stressful times anymore because finally get it. I finally realized that smoking does not equal comfort. It equals a drug fix.

Figure out what you can do differently this time, and forgive yourself for relapsing. Look forward, and don't let the addictive lies fool you or control you again.  You can do it!!!!!  Distract, distract, distract!   Being back at the begining really stinks, I know.... so don't go back again. This time, honor your commitment!!   

Don't forget to breathe... slow, deep breaths to relax. Staying all worked up over it will only make it harder.  You can do this. Its not easy, but its not complicated, either. 



It's not enough to say you've quit smoking. It's not enough to actually quit smoking. It's not enough to make a public commitment that you're gonna quit smoking. It's not enough to educate yourself about our nicotine addiction.

You've gotta walk the walk...every day...even when there's stress, anger, betrayal & every other emotion. Those emotions will always be there in some form or another.

We're pullin for ya.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


I had a feeling something was going on. There is lifelines here on Ex plus in Dales group that you could of used. After your vacation, you weren't on much and this is the mistake people make. With your history, sticking by this site is what you need day in and day out. Its getting a rejuvenation to make  it through another day. We need you here like you need us. Together we can!


I love the “tight shoes” – just wish you weren’t wearing them!  You have been through soooo much over these past few years and have done so well that you have become one of my heroes.  And you still are!  They don’t come much stronger than you!  Hope you have picked up your sword and are back doing battle.


Hang tuff girlfriend....You will do also are my hero....the tight shoes are always near if the day gets ugly. I keep them close:) xo


u have alot of friends are welcome here anytime............u probably

wanted just one.....u probably just wanted that 5 minute break from life again......thats all u can probably tasted nasty.....u do not want anymore.................i remember...after ten years  when i took me 1 week for my body to get used to smoking was so nasty and just  work to the comments over and over,,,,they are really great.......and just full of love as they allways are....i will save ur seat at the table..........i pick u up....dust u off and head u in the right direction again....god bless and god speed on your journey..........your friend jim ohio...............big bear hug.....2 big bear hugs........your sword protects me when i am feeling lazy and not watching my quit..


I'm sad....  : (    like everyone else here and like I am sure you are.

Now----5 seconds of feeling sorry for yourself....5, 4, 3, 2, 1......................

We interrupt this relapse for a committed quit!

YOU CAN DO IT......stay strong.


Learn what triggered your relapse and try again.  As long as you keep on trying you will get it one day! NOPE.  Hang in there and don't beat yourself up.