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Share your quitting journey

i slipped

0 17 145

hey everybody...sad to say that today i slipped up after having 7 days quit.  was telling someone else i think the reason i slipped was almost like i was rewarding myself for my quit, and also for not reaching out to others on this site.

with that said, patch is back on and i'm going to continue to try.  just have to start back at zero days.

17 Comentarios

We're here for you, Scott -- Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again.  But I'm interested to know -- did the cigarette you smoked really feel like a reward?  I did you totally enjoy it?  I can see that you've given it some thought already -- and it seems that you know that if you come to this site before you smoke you are much less likely to do it. 

I have tried and failed to quit many, many times in my 50+ years of smoking.  But the reason I think this is going to be my final quit is that I DO NOT FEEL DEPRIVED by not smoking for the first time.  And that's because I learned what I need to know to believe to the bottom of my heart that when we quit smoking we are giving up NOTHING.  Does that mean I don't have crazy craves?  I'm only at day 27 and yes, I have them.  Does it mean that my addicted brain doesn't whisper to me that I would love to have a smoke?  No, it doesn't.  I've actually been having a harder day today than I have had recently.  But I can't imagine smoking another cigarette, so I'm willing to get through these tough moments. 

Sorry to go on and on, but if you can succeed at this now you will have a much happier life (and won't get COPD like I have).


Jump right back on that horse... you can do this!  We are so used to the reward... hmmm I am an advocate of rewards... so start setting them up.  Take the money you would have spent on smoking and REWARD yourself... you can do a bit with that money... it adds up quick.   I smoked 2 packs a day... and after just one year had more than enough money to jump on the QM2... cross over to England ... spend 2 weeks and fly back.  BAM... reward... heck of alot better then standing outside in a blizzard to smoke. 

Start off slow and frequent...a massage, new sweater, movie, gym membership etc. etc. 


So sorry.  Figure out exactly what happened and prepare for it the next time.  I slipped after 9 days and hopped right back on.  That was 473 days ago.


You can't play at this Scott. If you wanna win you've gotta jump in with both feet. You're not missing're gaining your life back. I know you're a young man & you may think you have all the time in the world but this is still a mtter of life & death. You've gotta get real my friend. Whatever it takes.


Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Don;t let this slip keep you from your forever quit.  Get back up.  NOW.  You owe it to your lungs, heart, family and your finances.  Focus on what is important about NOT smoking and remember we are here to support you.

One minute at a time.  One day at a time.....The journey continues.


Good for you for starting over!  Do spend some time to discover what caused you to decide to smoke and make a plan for what you will do differently in the same circumstance going forward.

Just keep going forward.  You CAN do this - but it does require some planning and effort.

Carry on!



Hey Scott.  I have had those conversations in my head. " You've done great, you deserve just one".  That voice is really loud sometimes.  I yell back that I don't do that anymore, but it doesn't always help.  I tell myself that it isn't going to make me feel any better, but it keeps nagging. What really works is remembering that just one will equal a pack a day again in no time.  One may not seem like much, but one will definitley be enough to push me back.  You need to get your mind off the reward/deprival thoughts of quitting.  You deserve to breathe, you deserve to not suffer lasting effects of COPD.  Don't simply find ways to keep busy to ward off craves and "deprive" yourself of cigarettes, learn to accept that you want to be a non smoker. 


Push on.  And  BEFORE YOU PUT A CIGARETTE IN YOUR MOUTH COME HERE AND SHOUT FOR HELP!!! (she yelled).  Geez, how many times do we have to say it before it sinks in? 

I suggest that the reason you slipped is becuase you haven't yet firmed up your commitment.  When YOU become the boss of your quit, you stop being a victim to your weakness.  Your slip didn't happen TO you, you chose it.  You looked right at the cigarette and said I want it and I'm going to smoke it.  Keep reading and understanding how to unlearn that choice.  You want this freedom that some of us have.  This freedom costs.  But the payback is far greater.  DO IT!


When you have a free moment, Scott, read this blog of mine. Maybe it will spark with you. Maybe it won't. I just wanted to share it with you, man to man, either way.

If it doesn't spark with you, then go back and read Giulia's comment and Mike's comment and Linda's comment. Those MUST spark with you, no matter what.


Don't give up. get back on .


I can't give you any advice that you have already. Please do what is suggested and start by saying "I am stronger than a puff of smoke".

Member crazy is the addicted brain that it reaches FOR the addictive substance to REWARD itself for QUITTING the addictive substance!!!!!!

Get back up and this time think about how crazy it is to reward yourself with a bunch of burning leaves that you inhale into your lungs.

Stay Strong.


Glad you are back to your quit! 


You are not the first one here to slip, thats why we are all here. To support each other. Some people obviously have a harsher way of helping than others, but the end message is the same. You can do this! Protect your quit!! I am proud of you for coming back and being able to tell everyone. I know the first time I did I didnt come back for almost 2 years and continued to smoke. I finally came to my senses and tried again. This time I am on 320 days and feel great about it! You will be sharing triple digits with me before this summer!! 🙂 Grab some hard sugar free candy to have stashed in your pockets!! I am in love with the caramel nips so yummy! Keep making good choices!!


to answer your question honestly djmurray i didn't really enjoy it.  after having a few, i threw the pack away and put back on the patch, and was really disappointed in myself...the guilt sucked.

so back to day one, all we can do as people is move forward...can't do a damn thing about the past.  storm, i will definitely check out your blog and also hop on here  and ask for help if i feel like i'm about to give in again.

thank you everybody.  the fact that 14 of you commented on this is awesome and is a testament to how much support there is on this site.  those that have a lot of quit time under their belt as well as those who are just starting.  the harsher comments i definitely need to hear, and please understand i accept any criticism, "tough love" approach, whatever you want to call it.

so here i go again, going to try to learn something from my slip-up and turn a negative into a positive.

hope everybody has a great day!


welcome Scott, I saw that you were fairly new to the site, I am too! I went thru the same thing-i quit for a few days and went right back-I understand what you mean about the reward thing. Now I have a week, and I'm using nicotine gum when I get strong cravings-I also come to the site to get support. Best of luck to you-you can do it-one day at a time.


thank you.  best of luck to you as well!