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hi everyone, just a quick note to let you all know what is going on.

last friday at 2:30 my husband Rick was in a horrible motorcycle accident, he and his friend were riding on 

a two lane road and a car crossed the yellow line causing my husband to sideswipe her and veer right and he hit a curb and flew70 feet into a dirt field(thank god) he has a fractured neck, a broken collar bone that required a plate and 6 screws to repair and also the shifter from the harley somehow went through his foot. he is thankfully alive praise god and is now home recovering totally depentent on me. all of his injuries are left side, so he cannot walk much. I have been super stressed and have smoked.a few. I didnt have the where withall to ask for help this time guys, sorry. 😞 but I am stronger everyday now,  I am confident he will hel in a few months and I appreciate those of you who noticed I was gone.






I pray your husband heals quickly and doesn't have too much pain.

I hop eyou can find another way to release stress, try

it works for all kinds of stuff, my doctor recommended it to me.

I would rather breathe than smoke

smoking doesn't help anything

i don't have to do that to myself anymore.

choose life, you only get one body to live in, aim for health.

take care JO♥


Oh I am so sorry to hear this, what a horrible thing. My husband and I ride, and this is my greatest fear. I'm so glad your  husband  is going to be okay. I'm not sure how long you were quit, but it's not surprising that your brain is looking for an escape and a coping mechanism. You know smoking won't help, so get back on the horse and focus on your husband. We're here for you when you need us. 


Prayers to you and the hubby! But I also agree w/Aztec that smoking won;t help your stress. You must take care of you and your health as well. Especially since everyone is counting on you now.


Jo, have you and your family in my prayers.  Take Care of yourself and protect your QUIT.  🙂


You are in my prayers.


Wow!  So glad he's alive.  See what you can do to give yourself some "personal" time so you can regroup now and again.  Be sure to get rid of the cigarettes, you don';t need them..honest! Instead of smoking, get online.  We'll be here for you.  While you take care of your husband you must take care of you too!


poor thing. I'll pray for your family. If you find your quit is getting shaky because you have the thought: "smoking helps me deal with stress," re-read that part in the allen carr book about how it does not and in fact, how it stresses you out more. That was a big thought I had and it led to the end of a lot of my quits in the past, so if that's part of it, I can relate. Big hug to you and your whole family!


What is it that can make us smoke?




Hugs and prayers to both of you for his quick recovery.  Soon you must refocus on your own recovery from addiction and you will.


Prayers for both of you!


hope hubby gets well soon, and you take care,


My prayers are with you two. Thank-God he is alive, and home. Now, as quickly as you can, you must re-group and recommit. Remember...smoking helps nothing. What were to happen if (God forbid) you are stricken with a heart attack while he is recouping? You would not be able to take care of him. You need to take care of you to take care of him mama. My best to the two of you.


My prayers are with you. Wishing your husband a speedy recovery. N.O.P.E.


hi guys, Im doin good, hubby is on the mend! I am doing great, I feel great and I have made a new friend kim! she text me asking for help, and I thought how can I help her if I am smoking? I am not smoking! I am going to beat this head on! I want to be strong, I want to work out and be healthy! (Dale, you are always right, and I hate it, yet love you for it!) Thanks to all of your advice and prayers, I am here, thankful for every day I am alive and can breathe!