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Share your quitting journey


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It's my 7th day and I'm still struggling.  Any suggestions on how to deal with the stress that I used to smoke to relieve?  Meditation just isn't cutting it.

12 Comentarios

Breathe. Run. Beat a pillow. Cry. Call  friend and vent. Never doubt your decision. Read Allan Carr. Read Joel. The stress is going to be there even if you smoke. Then you'll just have the added stress of regret. Distract yourself with something interesting. You must have another guilty Do that instead. See it as your reward for not smoking. Hope that helps. Hang in there!


Hi Jude!  Congratulations on 7 days!!  THAT is a wonderful start, in a few days it'll be much easier!  Different people do different things, some pace, some use self-talk, many many use exercise-terrific stress reliever and over time is great as anti-depressant, gets those endorphins going.  Try a soothing bath, self-massage to head works, deep breathe for several breathes (make sure to fully exhale to avoid light-headedness), talk with someone supportive, come here and read, write a blog, nap if possible, read something HUMOROUS!  Try to laugh!  HUGE stress reducer!  A worry ball helps sometimes.  Don't smoke, don't smoke, don't smoke, don't smoke etc! 


Remember NOPE (not one puff ever)----you are doing great!  It does get easier.  What has really helped me is telling myself that no matter what is going on---smoking is not an option-----find another option during those stress filled times.  Keep reading the blogs here.  You can do it!


Take a walk! That's what helped me in my first week. Get out of the house, walk around the block.. Keep walking, and by the time you get home, you might find the craving is gone.

Congratulations on one week! The second week is MUCH easier, trust me!


Oh, and make sure you check back and let us know how you're doing!


Keep your Focus!! Never lose your Determination! Do not fight, and try to figure it out! Just ignore it, and it will go away!


Exercise away the cravings, it works.I do at least an hour a day, knees are killing me but I am smoke free!!


Drink tons of water, go to whyquit and read up on sickorettes or anything to do with death from smoking, it helps me be strong.  Get a catch phrase for yourself, I use I don't smoke anymore.  When I feel a craving or a thought of smoking comes into my head I say, I don't smoke anymore.


All of the above and for me this place is the place to be for help and support. 


I'm on day 6 and it is a struggle but you can make it.  Stress has beat me out every time I attempted to quit and after trying to quit for 16 years stress is not a good enough excuse to take away my life or for me to carry around an oxygen tank.  You can do it.  Reading the blogs has helped me and reading the material from above has helped.  NOPE that is one of the keys.  You can do it.  The cigarette is not worth anyone's life!  You can make it!


There are so many other folks here at a time in their quit that's either the same as yours or else very close. Be friends with them and try to get phone numbers so you can have a support system in place. Heck, I'll give you mine if you want. (Private msg).


BTW, nobody here has posted this yet so I will. We have two sites that are mainstays for most of us: and - both free sites.

Plus, go to Maggie's page and she has TONS fo links to other resources. Read, read READ! It helps a lot. Also, get Alan Carr's book, Quit Smoking the Easy Way. It's downloadable from Maggie or Strudel's pages. Or available at the library. Also, if you fill out your page a little, it'll help us support you.

Keep blogging here!