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how do i get a support team at home when everyone smokes????? I dont work 


From Dr. Hays Blog from yesterday


Here are a few suggestions to consider whether you are still contemplating a quit attempt or have already started your smoke-free journey:


1. Have a conversation with those you live with who are still smoking.  Ask them to support you in your effort to quit by:

 A.  Limiting their smoking to outdoors, or at least to a particular room of the home. 

 B.  Listening openly about your smoking triggers and how they can help you avoid them when possible.

2.  If you use stop-smoking medications, consider bringing them with you when around other tobacco users.  Even if you don’t use them each time, they can add another layer of protection to your smoke-free commitment.

3.  Stay back with the non-smokers when others go out to smoke.  You may just strike up a great new, smoke-free friendship!

4. Remember that the average craving lasts only 3-5 minutes whether you smoke or not.  Consider brief activities that can take your mind off smoking, maybe even inviting your support people to join you.


Keep in mind that getting support from those you live with is a two-way street - they may not always know how to best support you.  Communicating honestly with one another on a regular basis can go a long way in making sure both of your needs are met and you continue your journey toward a smoke-free life.


I know it's hard.  I don't want to dismiss that or appear lacking in sympathy.  I'm not even sure I could do it.  What I have discovered is that, for as difficult as it seems, smoking is a decision you make.  Granted, your brain has re-wired itself to tell you that you are uncomfortable if you don't feed your addiction, but it is still your decision to gratify your craving to temporarily ease the discomfort.  If you make the decision to not ease the discomfort, eventually it will ease and dissipate.

I haven't addressed the nicotine you would still be inhaling through second-hand smoke, provided the other smokers in your home will not go outside or to the garage to smoke.  Personally, I never smoked inside except when I was single.  Hopefully those with whom you live would be as considerate.

I wish the best for you.


Also, while we here can't help with the second-hand smoke issue, if you can access this website from home, you always have a community of non-smokers right here at your fingertips to support and encourage you to your heart's content.



if the smell bothers you, put some vicks under your nose.


My husband smokes, but outside.  I am only on my 3rd day, but so far, it has not bothered me.  The only thing i miss is the time we stood and smoked together.  But i think i can still go out and spend time with him while he smokes and i can handle it.  Good thing i noticed, now that i am not out there smoking with him, he seems to have cut down a lot.  And he really needed to! 


@ scgquit re: "... now that i am not out there smoking with him, he seems to have cut down a lot."

Good smelling you or smelly cigarette?  Seems like a no brainer.


My BF visits from Thursday evening till Sunday Evening, and smokes, but outside. The fresh smoke doesn't bother me any more, but he has a beard and the ashtray smell in that beard, stinks. It makes me not want to smoke even more. I don't ever want to smell like that again. You made a great choice not to smoke! So, don't put one in your mouth!

If you use oxygen, please don't use vicks. I read that it is very flamable!

Terrie  114  DOF


Thank you everyone, 5 days to my quite date an i know i can do this. It might be hard but i will do it!!!! fingers crossed