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funeral for My Dog Shadow

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Hi guys, I just had to put my 8 year old blue heeler to sleep  he was my best freind, kidney failing .

I have been crying for two days it is such a loss, he was my hiking buddy, he did everything with me, I was his human and he guarded me and did everything with me.

I am numb and so heart broken, I guess I'm glad I have a broken leg becaseu I don't want to hike anymore without him. what a huge loss,  they are making a foot print clay momento fo rme at the vet,

I'm so broken right now I loved him so hard, so deep , so much.

thanks for caring like you do m my husband told me to  let you all know and I'm glad he did because you guys are the best, we couldn't bring him hom eto bury him becaseu the ground is frozen, so the clay foot print will be it, and I'm gong to have an 8x 10 picuture made

I gues when it rains it pours.

Love you all aztec


My Heart is with you Aztec.  Shadow is in heaven now and has no more pain or sickness, and will always look down on you.  Find comfort.      Big Hug   George


Awe I'm so sorry to hear about you losing Shadow 😞 


 oh aztec, Iam so sorry for ur loss, Iam sure he will be missed and nothing I can say will make u feel any better, but Iam sure he knew how much u luved him and thats a very good thing to feel while he was here. since u couldnt bury him have u thought about cremating him, thats what my dad did with his dog. I have my dog for 9 yrs,hes part of our family, I no i would be devastated but my kids and husband would be more then me, well Iam sure he went to doggie heaven so ill say a pray for him, plez be strong,ill be thinkin of u aztec,hang in there.joanne


i'm sorry for your loss. Much love, bj


Oh Aztec I'm so very sorry, and I cry with you.  Please know my thoughts and heart are with you.  Hugs and love to you sweetie.


Darling, I am so so sorry. We have all been there when our pet best friend passes away.

He must have been an awesome dog, remember him for that. Hope you can deal with the grief smoke free!

I once lost a cat I grew up with, she was 22 years old. I totally understand how you are feeling!

My condolences for you, your husband. If your pet best friend was human he'd be looking down on you showing great gratitude for putting him out of his misery. He doesn't feel pain anymore.

my thoughts are with you!


I'm so sorry... they are our  very best friends... We had to put our sweet Clyde down last March... he was only 7..

He had Lung cancer.. and I blame myself  for smoking in front of him for so many years..   : (

hugs... you will remember Shadow forever..


Aztec there's a place called The Rainbow Bridge where our pets who have passed on become young again and free of sickness and they all play together and wait for us to join them one day.  Shadow will be there ready to go hiking when you join him.  bless you dear. 


Oh Azzie, I am so sorry you lost your dog buddy, Shadow.  I'm glad you will be able to have a momento of him.  Love to you


My husband thinks I'm nuts when I care more about my pets than I do some people.  I know and have felt your loss more times than I care to remember.  Our pets give us so much and ask for so little in return.  They do teach us a lot in the short time they are with us.  Deepest condolences on your loss, none will ever replace your beloved Shadow but the memories you have are priceless.


Az, I am so truly sorry for your loss. Shadow sounds like a special guy! I lost my yellow lab 6 years ago and still cannot bring myself to ever get another dog. I loved him like a child.  A big hug and prayers for you today! Love, Kat


I'm so sorry you had to send shadow ahead.





Sorry , I lost my Blue Heeler when she was almost 11. So So Sorry. James


So sorry for your loss. Shadow is probably playing  hide and seek with Patches and Flash (my two cats) in heaven.


Saying goodbye to a trusted friend -- whether two- or four-legged -- is never easy.  Hopefully, knowing that you made the best decision for Shadow will comfort your heart and ease the hurt a little.  Hang in there!


I know the exact pain you are going through. I have had 2 of my Rotties die of old age and cancer in the past 2 years. The most recent being just a few days ago. You have lost a member of your family, your best friend, your protector, your exercise buddy, your heart.  I know. I am so sorry for your loss. ((((HUGS))))


I am so very sorry for your loss Aztec. Many of us love our pets like children. Losing them is never, ever easy. Take comfort from the fact that you got to say goodbye. My thoughts are with you.


sooo sorry Aztec.   


thanks everyone for the comforting words, it helps alot  This place is filled with genuine people who care and I'm glad to know you all. I needed some sort of closure and the rainbow place really helped , thanks.

Love Aztec


So sorry to hear of your loss.   May memories bring you comfort during this time.



I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved pet. I am crying with u. I have a little English poodle who is my constatant compainion. She watches my every move and senses my emotions, she is indeed my best friend. Never has any living thing loved me or ben as loyal too me as my little dog. I cry for your loss. I understand how deep it must be.


I'm SO sorry Sweetie!!! I have by beloved Fable and my beloved Willow's ashes in urns in my house. I had my 100 pound Briard ,Fable,  cremated because I also want to be. We have a copy of The Rainbow Bridge behind their urns on our book shelf. Our Vet sent it to us. 😞

Your paw print sounds VERY wonderful!!!!

(((BIG HUGS)))


I love you Aztec.


Sorry for your lost, my dog was my best friend to, she went where i went, she was a german sherped she was 13 when we put her down,  lois in Ak