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Share your quitting journey


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For a week now, I've been going most of the day without smoking.  At some point during the day I'll go buy a pack (usually around 2pm), then I'll smoke a few, feel really bad and throw out the pack. So, I'm waisting a lot of money, but I'm not smoking that much. I tell myself this is it, I'm not going to buy another pack! But I keep doing it! I'm very frustrated. Most of the time I'm fine without it. I've noticed when I'm upset I'll buy some, or sometimes it's just because I feel like it. I have a pack now, and I am going to throw it out. I will promise to come here for help if I am tempted tomorrow to buy another pack.

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I would like to see you give that pack of smokes a proper sendoff first. Put them all out on the table and then take your fist and slam the hell out of them and then shred them all up in your hand then spit on them and toss them in the trash. You will feel so much better taking control back.  Now stay strong you can do this. 


Come on do it I dare you to do it smash them.


I'm with Legend, I soaked my last ones in water and then "violently" tore them into pieces.  No one can do this for you, you have to make the commitment and then KEEP it.  You said you buy a pack because "sometimes it's just because I feel like it." It does not sound like you are very serious about this quit and at the risk of soundling a little harsh, have you done ANY reading, ANY preparation?  Are you expecting your quit to just fall out of the sky and into your waiting lap?  Doesn't happen. It takes work, it takes knowledge, and most of all, it takes COMMITMENT.  Do you want to commit to being a nonsmoker or just keep sitting on the fence and going back and forth?  You are the only one who can answer that and identify your triggers and deal with them.  All anyone here can do is to support you  in your quit, direct you to do the reading, we can't stop you from going to the store just because you FEEL LIKE IT.  This is YOUR quit, no one else's.  Are you going to commit to it or keep killiing it every afternoon?


You need someone to keep your money so you won't spend it on cigarettes. Is there someone you know who you would feel comfortable with who could make you acountable? It is either that or make sure before you buy a pack you come online and ask permission--and you know what we will say.


Your addiction is going to continue to tell you to buy them, that you need them to get you through life! Your addiction is lieing to you and you are falling for it every time! Decide not to listen...commit to being done for good.


i notice this under advise and support--its a 1-800-quit-now support line. I haven't tired it and I would give you my number but I'll be working three days and not sure you could reach me. Sometimes just talking to someone can get you back on track. Just do something.


I understand your frustration.  I went back and forth for three years on and off.  I'm on the patch this time.  Already getting the nicotene helps with cravings.  Perhaps you should try it or maybe the gum.  Don't give up.


I got tired of shooting myself in the foot over and over and over. When I admitted I had a nicotine addiction, did the suggested reading and listened to what the elders were saying I quit putting myself through nicotine withdrawals time after time and claimed my freedom. You can too.

Shooting yourself in the foot Royalty Free Stock Photo

STOP doing this!!!!

Are You Banging Your Head Against a Brick Wall Trying To Get Others To ...



until you stop feeding the receptors they will keep begging

and you will keep smoking

Its not easy to quit but its doable. It takes time but it is so worth it. Come here and read, read, read. YOU CAN DO THIS!

At some point you have to remember that the choice to give in is yours. The choice to buy a pack is yours. The choice to smoke is yours.

Just say NO. 

when your brain says "I need to go buy a pack" Say No! No I do not. That is just a silly thing to do - I don't smoke any more. 

When you give yourself permission to break your quit - see what we are saying? Even if you have to say it out loud. NO! I don't smoke any more. NO! I'm not throwing away any more money. NO! NO! NO!



You have to want this more than anything else in the world AND work at it harder than you've ever worked on anything in your life!

Read/Blog/Listen to the Elders and the Wise Ones!

Sharon   292   DOF


I also did that for a while before finally quitting! Wasted a lot of money and put myself through hell.As long as going to the store was an option I'd torture myself with it till I'd just give in and go buy the damn cigarettes. Then I would smoke one, then two maybe three until I'd be so disgusted with myself I'd thow them away.

But I kept reading on this site and finally understood the physical mechanics of addiction to nicotine. So I decided to use the patch and promise myself only one day at a time! The first  10 days I had lots of strong cravings. But I focused on getting through just that one day. That lead to another day and another. I'm only 46 days smoke free and a week without the patch but I can tell you the daily battle about going to the store to buy cigarettes feels like a distant memory! II can honestly say I haven't felt this good in years. I don't want to ever forget have awful that daily battle was. Don''t want to be back there!

Keep reading. Keep close to this site. You WILL do this one day at a time!


i used to make myself to 20 jumping jacks before having a cigarette. i figured either i would stop smoking or i would lose weight...winner either way


The next  time you feel the urge to buy a pack of

cancersticks come to this site and blog for awhile 

and get your mind off it. Only you can change how you think 

be strong and don't smoke do something else instead. 

Smoking is not the answer smoking kills , think about it before you stick 

anither one those in your mouth again . And educated yourself a lil but what your buying 

and smoking . Good luck to you ! Tinkerbell