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Share your quitting journey

for the ladies

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I do not mean to be sexist I just seriously doubt that men want to talk about pms and quitting smoking. I feel like I have been PMSing since I quit and now that I really am experiencing PMS all I can say is my poor husband is a saint.  If this man does not divorce me after this, then I will have to give him daily foot rubs to atone for my attitude.  It is day 10. I am still smoke free and happy to be.  My prayer is to be a nicer person soon because I don't think I can even tolerate myself much longer.  Stay quit people. Thanks for letting me rant and work out some hormones.

11 Comentarios

WTG on 10 Days!!  Keep up the good work.  And kudos to your husband, mine feels the same way:)


Congrats on 10 days! You will even out eventually! Protect that quit, always!


Yep, I feel your pain...I was conscious of that time when I set my quit date in December. That first time around was rough

Congrats on your 10 Days! You rock....and yep, your hubby deserves a night out!


Perfectly normal---just know that this too will pass! Might wanna (((HUG))) the husband today 😉

Welcome to the Double Digit club!!! 🙂


Been there, done that.

I am also thankful for the tolerant people in my life. It's for a good cause. Tell your hubby to hang in there.


Congratulations on 10 days!  Keep up the good work! - Toni - 


Congrats on day X!

PMS-like symptoms out of cycle are perfectly normal because smoking does incredibly ungood things your reproductive hormone levels (hence a marked increase in things like irregular periods, infertility and earlier onset of menopause in women who smoke). You may even experience mild hot flashes, but those are all signs your body repairing itself.

One upside I've noticed is that my current period, from ovulation to menstruation was much less of a nightmare than they were before I quit.

p.s. To the about to quit women who are still menstruating - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ information about quitting and your menstrual cycle. Yes, you should take into account when your period will start when deciding when you'll Quit. It will increase your chances of success. And lower the chances you'll run around in She Hulk mode.

p.p.s. If you quit and have reason to believe you and/or your male partner can't conceive, think again. Especially if getting pregnant isn't on your to-do list. Yes, you may have smoked yourself into state of lower fertility, but your body is working hard to fix the damage.


Oh, I hear you! LOL!!!

I dont know whats worse: being the woman who HAS pms or being the man who has to be in the line of pms fire!

What a great quit you have going!


I never thought about that, Julie, thank you for posting. 

I don't feel comfortable changing my Monday quit date solely because of its inoppurtune timing - but just in case this will help anyone else out there: 



Days 1-14: 

From the first day of your period to mid-cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels are low, which means you tend to feel happy and even-keeled. This is an ideal time to stop smoking, because you won't be hit with a double whammy of negative emotions -- kicking the habit is associated with anxiety, depression, and irritability. "Quitting during the first two weeks of your cycle may decrease withdrawal severity and increase your chances of stopping smoking for good," says Kenneth A. Perkins, PhD, professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. In fact, a small study led by Perkins showed that women who attempted to stop smoking during the last two weeks of their menstrual cycle reported significantly greater tobacco withdrawal and depressive symptoms than women who tried to quit during their first 14 days.


Thank you ladies for the support and info.  I never knew that there was ^ this affect but it makes total sense.


Well the day I quit...I started...!! Its really sucked I had both evils at once, but I made it thro it and am glad I did!!  Congrats on day 10:)