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Share your quitting journey

finishing up on day 5

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well, i made it through... i  surprised myself... well it helped that i wasnt around any smokers today... so i would just watch the non smokers behavior.. they really acted as thugh they didnt know i was obsessing over cigarettes...i watched a few smokers .. (people i didnt know)... and the smoking really is an unnatural act...its funny.. although my brain was obsessing and saying " i want one!!".. my consious self  was saying.. man i can breathe again, dont mess that up...youre almost all the way free.. dont mess that up either...your blood pressure is down.. and you feel so good .. dont mess that up...

well alot of people are saying it gets easier,.. well im waiting folks... how long till i disassociate.. the smoking with my unconsious... i cant wait...

7 Comentarios

Yeah, don't mess up that good feeling that will only get better and better each day that you don't smoke. Congrats on day 5!  That's a great accomplishment. 


let see I'm on 3 weeks and what I'm learning is that once in while, you will do somthing different, that you have not done in a while and you will a have memorie of it..  On saturday, I paid bills and ran 2 hrs worth earns, and poped in my head, bacause  I would have smoked after my second earn. They the more do act with not smoke it gets better.

Has this occured to you , you want the cig, but deep down your really, dont. or I just odd?


It takes time to relearn how to live life without smoking. Dale has a great quote on his profile page, "you gotta do some cocooning, to be a butterfly." Right now you are vulnerable, protect your quit with everything you've got, cocoon yourself with love and support, if you don't find it at home you can find it here, and it will get easier as long as you don't take a puff!

Day 5 is awesome, You are doing this! YES!


Give yourself time, it will get easier, we promise!  Great job noticing the non-smokers -- that's so important, to realize that the MAJORITY of people don't smoke and never have, and they get through their days just fine!  Be patient, roll with the roller coaster, and stick close to this site. We're here for you! 


If you don't want to become extinct...

Patience Always Pays Off


It does get easier to get through! The KEY to new life is re-learning life without cigarettes...Whatever that means to you! Have you read: ?


It really will get better. I had to keep reminding myself early in my quit - how long I smoked. Retraining the brain after all of that takes time!! You are doing fine - congrats!