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failed again

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I put a patch on at 10:00 AM this morning and made it all day until 8:00PM.  10 hours and the nasty things still got me!  Patch back on first thing in the morning but I dont know how long I will last.  I feel tired and I don't breath very well so I have to quit NOW!  Any ideas to help?


Everyone is going to tell you to stay busy and that really does help. I have posted posters all over my bedroom that have lil reminders on what is best to do. like one says "you haven't failed til you quit trying". Just remember why it is important for you and each time you have the urge to light up really sit and think about it. go through all your emotions at that point in time. Why are you wanting to smoke? are you stressed? did you just get done eating? by the time you get done figuring out why you wanted to smoke "one more time" you will be able to tell your self no. Also peppermint and toothpicks have become my friend lol. I might look stupid but i suck on the peppermint and have the toothpick hanging in out my mouth so every now and then i can take it out and put it back in. reminds me of reaching my hand up to take a puff off a cigarette!!


Never tried the patches - was kinda scared to try those - was not sure exactly what all was in them. I was one of the cold turkey people. Did not pick a particular quit day. Just got up one morning and out of the blue told myself this was it.

Hey, I totally agree with Saprina above - stop and think about it before you decide to light up. What are your triggers? Learning those and how to deal with them will be your key to quitting.


You will do it if you make up your mind to.  You just have to make up your mind.  It still is not easy, but it's better to live better longer.  Good Luck!


Tomorrow tell yourself you are going to get through the whole day and not smoke no matter what.  (Patch might help you get through the cravings)  Keep your hands busy, drink alot of water, eat some candy, mints, gum, chew on some toothpicks. Stay busy, or nap, breathe deep  when you have a craving.  -  you just need to get through this one day at a time!!!!  

You Can Do this - stay strong!!!!!!


Just remember that if a craving comes along it will eventually go away whether you give in and smoke or not.  But if you do smoke, you will reinforce the addiction and if you don't smoke, you'll weaken the addiction.  I visualized myself battling an enemy on the battlefield and remembering that every battle was one more on my side if I didn't smoke, one more closer to winning the war.  Just be stronger every single time and one day you'll be saying that you're 1 week quit, you're 1 month quit, you're one year quit, ect.  You are stronger!


you can do it! just think that you dont want to get copd!or on oxgen at night to start thats what 43 yrs somkeing did to me but i have 29 days off the smokes try cantix or the gum . but i know you can do it!im proud that you are trying so hard!