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THis Emotional rollercoaster has started.  36 days of no smoking and I feel like I am just withdrawing again.  I wanna cry and I feel so irritable.  I wonder if it is because I am getting contact from cigarette smoke from friends that smoke.  Is that possible.  

I understand that I have to unlearn what I did while smoking and learn what to do while not and I am willing to do this and continue to do this.  I am struggling which is why I am stil on here this evening.   I don't know if I just got stuck into getting it in my head or this is one of the hard weeks.  


Hi Jessie.  Sorry you are struggling.  I absolutely think the second hand smoke has alot to do with it.  I went to an MD several years ago for smoking cessation.  He told me not to breath other people's smoke.  I hope tomorrow is better.  Breathing second hand smoke is definitely getting nicotine back in your body.  Good job coming on here.  You are doing this.  Congrats!  


There are good days and bad days! You made a choice to quit smoking. Are you commited to that choice? If so you must do whatever it takes to stay quit! I have been on this site many, many hours over the last three days. This was the worst time I have had since I quit! I went on people's pages and read old blogs, I searched for relapse in the search box and came up with lots of very good info!

I don't know about the contact smoke thing! It' dangerous to breathe, but it does not make me want to smoke! My BF smokes and is here at my house from Thurs. to Sun. and this last week he has been laid off so he was here all week. He smells like an ashtray sometimes, but that doesn't make me want to smoke.

Everyone's quit is different! So what bothers you may not bother me! Maybe a rough time and will subside after some sleep. I hope!

You are 36 days so you have started into no mans Land! Did you do any of the reading that I suggested to you earlier? If not, do so. That will help alot! Stay busy, and congratulations on 36 days!



I believe you are fighting your mental addiction, Jessie.  You are through and past your physical addiction and are now fighting the mental aspects of it.  I became weepy in this stage of my quit, wanting to cry all the time.  Hang in there, this will pass.  Baby yourself, be good to yourself and this phase of your quit will pass. 


Is it possible that you're going through early withdrawal stage again because you're in contact with smokers?  Do YOU think it's possible?  'Cause what you think is what's gonna be.  Personally, after 36 days, I think you're simply stuck in your head.  You've been living with smokers for the past 36 days (even if they go out to smoke.)  So nothing has changed there.  Yup, I do believe it's just one of the hard weeks.  And it will pass.

You've come a LONG way.  When we have strong cravings sometimes it makes us forget exactly HOW far we've come on this journey.  Trust me, trust all of us who say  - you don't want another Day One.  No matter how bad you think it is now, you don't want another Day One.

The day is almost over.  The full lunar eclipse is in progress.  Tomorrow will be different.  Sleep.  Forget.  Move on.  HAVE COURAGE! 


I do not believe it is second hand smoke causing your problem I also live with a smoker who smokes indoors and in the car if that were the case I think I would never have been able to quit ! I am now getting close to 8 months !

Hang in there it must be a hard week it will pass ! I do think being around smokers all the time does make it more difficult it does for me especially when i feel angry or stressed and I see the cigarette right there ! I just look at it and think I do not do that anymore and it is making me stronger !


I'm not around smokers and on occasion when I am it can alert or offend me, or make no difference at all.   NML can be tricky and all the above info is great to adhere too.  I think you are smart to stay close to this site and work it out.


Quite often quitting smoking can be like a roller coaster ride.  I say ride the roller coaster with your hands up and scream!!!!!!!!!!!! With all the emotion. Holler NOPE- Not one puff ever!  Scream SINAO-smoking is not an option! Yell "I don't do that anymore"! No NO NO  Nicotine No! Nicotine Demon, Get behind ME!  If a all possible I would stay away from second hand smoke so early in a quit. If you have to just leave the room.  It will get better once people see that you are going to do what ever it takes to be smoke free.


If they are smoking around you - walk away!  Or - ask them to smoke out of your space!  Don't make it more difficult than it needs to be.

This is probably more mental than physical.  You have got to relearn your life as an ex-smoker - so get busy DOING.  You have all this extra time now.  Maybe get a crossword puzzle or word game book, or learn to knit or crochet (there are plenty of YouTube how-to's), or start a jigsaw puzzle.  You need to keep your mind occupied so you aren't thinking about smoking.

You don't EVER want to go back to Day One, do you?  I know you don't - so DON'T!

Hang in there!



Stay strong, you can do this! I am ok most of the time; then out of nowhere it sneaks up on me. But the freedom is worth the struggle. I believe it will get better over time. Its an addiction and its a battle but one worth fighting.
