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Share your quitting journey


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Yesterday . I was ashamed to come on here, because I'm still smoking. I going to do a lot reading. I got to get past the feact that is a bag a tabbaco ready availble. It sits in my living room. I need to put a grapich picture on it or smothing. My husband smoke, so its not going any where. Relsapsing it such a downer. I could been sitting a 42 today Quit, like my quit Budy Ret.

what is relasping



epic fail 

Monday is my date. It will be where the most of my day will be occupide with work. Any suggesed treading , I should  do plase share. 


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There is also a ton of reading on  Here is the section on relapse prevention, but also go to the website and tool around.


Renee...I'm glad you come back and are still posting.  xo~mlb


Try this one, Renee:

Stop – Pause for a moment and consider what you are doing.
Observe – Think about what you are sensing, feeling and experiencing, and what events led to the situation.
Breathe – Pause for a few deep breaths in order to assess your situation in as calm a manner as possible.
Expand – Expand your awareness and remind yourself of what will happen if you keep repeating the unwanted behavior (and how you will feel afterward).
Respond mindfully – Remember that you have a choice, that you are not powerless and that you don’t have to continue the undesired behavior.

If you can't seem to get a hold on your thoughts and feelings, try breaking the cycle with your values and actions. You CAN do this!


I think you have a problem Renee.

You already know everything there is to know and yet, that bag of tobacco is controlling you. My feeling is, the longer you wait, the harder it is to get your head back to the quitting place.

Are you "rewarding" yourself because you smoked anyway?

Just can't throw it away?

Do you want me to send you the money when I get paid Wednesday?


my love to you.


Hi Renee! I feel that Dale is right. You already know all there is to know - you've spread it to others.  I can't tell you what to do - you are an adult and you're going to make your own choices. But I can tell you what would happen if it were me.  I would put my foot down with my hubby and be firm in telling him that smoking or having tobacco around me is n longer allowed because that is what a supportive spouse does. I believe he subconciously sabotaged your quit because we all know "misery loves company".

Now, that being said - you are the only one who can put a cigarette in your mouth and light it. Your husband didn't do that. Take control. Your children are counting on it. They are learning from your actions. Yes, from hubby too - but they will see the strength you have and  take from that.

Don't wait - do it today. You have the strength. You have the knowledge. Just do it!


  Glad to see you Renee'
  Not sure if I did the image thing right but it's supposed to be my idea of K.I.S.S.
  Keep It Simple Silly (in my case Stupid)
  You know what it's going to take. We are behind you. 

aw phooey  well that wasn't right 


Hi Renee,

You know that I know exactly what you are going through, having relapsed recently myself. My relapse (as hard as it is to say) was due to alcohol, summer arriving (seasonal trigger), and complacency. Then, I was right back there where the nicodemon was controlling my mind. I was fighting the cravings (internal war) and forgetting with each puff what I had learned. YOU know that you have to stop feeding him for him to go away. Honestly, I wanted a cigarette yesterday, really bad. I was sooooooo stressed. I could have easily walked out to a co-worker and bummed one. It was hard not to. But, instead, I stayed right here with you guys and read, and I prayed, and I watched the video that Raven posted, along with some others on youtube about smoking. That video was the swift kick to the butt that I needed. I re-learned and reminded myself that EVERY cigarette does damage to our bodies. It doesn't have to be 10, 20, 1000. Just one!! That video was the graphic reminder that I DO NOT want to allow my children or family to watch me die a slow painful death caused from something that I not only hate doing, but that I know will kill me!!!!


Please remind yourself what you are doing to yourself and what you do not wnat to end up like!!! Watch the videos!! Read, Read, and don't stop reading!! I did and it cost me 96 days!!!!



That bag was there the first 38 days! I think Dale's on to something but my guess is your punishing yourself not rewarding yourself! Stop beating yourself up with excuses and get quit again girlfriend! You are the only one who can make this happen! XOXO


PS: Don't get clock obsessed! I count 'cause that's what people do here at EX but I almost always have to look up days because I believe I am quit forever! What's behind me is only important to others, what's in front of me doesn't exist....only today, in this moment do I have decisions to make!

I have company this weekend and they will all be up chain smoking with their coffee  soon! They are welcome to smoke in my house as I did for almost 45 years! I will not smoke no matter how many times I get the urge and believe me, my addict self will romance the hell out of cigarettes this weekend! These are friends from high school and we all started smoking together....the big difference, I got smart and they haven't! They came last night and are in awe of my accomplishment. Just being in my presence, I notice they are not smoking as much as we would be if I were lighting up! They asked, how?, last night and I told them! I will not bring my quit up again unless they ask and believe me the urge to try and get them to quit is stronger than the urge to start again!


just  make sure you nknow that it takes 72 hours to get past the physical withdraws...and 3 weeks to flush the nicotine..


Hey Renee, please dont beat yourself up about this, that forever quit will kick into place in good time, hopefully soon for you. Remember the longer you smoke the more chances of lung damage heart problems etc etc. Remind yourself about how bad smoking is for you.  I miss all your stunnin pics and quotes.  God is watching over you, just take that step to freedom.

Brenda ex-smoker


Quit buddy here.  If Monday is your date Monday is your date.  You can't come down on your husband and cause more trouble for yourself after all that is your kids dad I assume.  Renee I know you are going to do this and I know you can do this.  I t is just making me sick that you are not on board yet.  I don't know how some of the long term people on here feel about medication but I am taking Bupropion generic for Wellbutrin, I don't know if that is what is helping me or the fact that the doctor said I have moderated COPD and that if I would quit some of my lungs would heal, but I know not going to ever get over it.  So you are still better that I was at 42 and you are trying sooner than I did, so that in it's self should get rid of your shame.  Quit acting like this and pity your husband because he has not got it yet.  Take care.

quit buddy


My heart goes out to you lady...You are a soldier...a warrior...Time for boot camp and you know how...I believe in you...xo

You only fail if you quit trying. Its a battle but you keep fighting ! You can win this war . I hope to see you on soon. Tina.