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Share your quitting journey

day one

0 6 13

Well day on is almost done!! yay! I think I did well, I did not smoke!! The only problem I have been having today is I have been really really tired? I fell asleep At work and as soon as I got home? Well tomorrow is day 2 and I will let you know how its going!

Thanks All 🙂

6 Comentarios

Don't skip any meals sleep when you can get extra if possible congrats on getting through the first day 


Good job!! Every journey starts with the first day! Being tired is completely normal. Your body is trying to regulate it's self from all the poison and nicotine in your system. Just nap when you can and drink lots of water! You just gotta go through all the yucky physical withdrawls, but I'm at 36 days, I can tell you that it is all worth it. 🙂


view youngatheart blog on what to expect when you smoking. or my page the info well be there.


Congratulations With Amazing Gifts


That's really inspiring to me for my upcoming day one.  No dragons ate you up, you didn't shoot anyone, it just didn't sound as bad as I've built up in my mind.


Congrats on day one!!  That hurdle is done and over with and I bet it wasn't as bad as you expected it to be.  Sleep all you can.  I was the same way for a few days followed by a few days of crazy energy.  Just go with whatever your body is telling you.  Sleep when you need to.  Burn that energy when you have it.  It's an up and down ride but it's all worth it.


Congratulations on day one...just keep stackin those days up!! 🙂