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day 6 and 7 seem the hardest

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After giving up cold turkey exactely one week ago, I found the 72 hours of nicotine detox more manageable than the cravings I have been goig through in the last two days. All I can think about continously is how pleasurable a smoke would be!. Each time I have to convince myself about the bigger picture, and why I quit. I have now stocked up on packets of sweets to get me through this period, which I am hoping will not last.

Work at the moment is also very stressful which is not helping too I suppose. Luckily I am off on holiday on Friday - so that will help. As for now, well,excercise seems to be helping and sweet treats!

Be interested if others also had a difficult couple of days around day 7. I see that the craving chart shows a small peak on day 7.
I did have some cravings at day 7. They just came out of no where!! But it gets better! Hang in there!
I have to say on day 7 I had way to much energy. Went out and did a lot of yard work till I threw up. (That wasn't so great). With the time change over the weekend and being burned out from over doing it, so far days 8 and 9 have been harder for me. Really exhausted!!! Don't really want to smoke, not even thinking about it thanks to Chantix. I just want that great feeling I had about being a non smoker to come back. It was like the day before Christmas feeling.(You know?) I am over the shaking jitters and the feeling of "I should be having a smoke" Just stay busy , stay online when you can. You can do it! Stress will be there if you are smoking or not.
Yup, day 6 and 7. That's yesterday and the day before that to me. Day 8, craving has grown smaller. Yup, hang in there buddy, we can do this!
The cravings may continue for a while, although they'll be less frequent and less intense. It IS going to get better, but you have to keep your guard up for the initial several weeks. When things get stressful, slow down mentally and focus on what you're doing so you don't get blindsided by a crave. After a while you'll realize that a lot of it is habit, a mind trick that you can ignore like a pesky little bug. Every time you don't give into a craving, your quit gets stronger.
omg i thought it was just me.I'm so glad that someone else has had stronger cravings on day 6 and 7.
thanks to all for the comments - busy waiting for my daughter to go to sleep, and I must say feeling a lot better now. I have found reading and writing here extremely helpful, and a good distractor! Other than that i had a weird craving for cranberry juice today.........
I totally agree, day 6 and 7 have been by far the most difficult. First few days, I just felt like a new woman. Now, day 7 and for whatever reason, that feeling is nowhere in sight. It's more like survival mode right now. I really want a cigarette but I think, THEN WHAT? It won't help and it will only make me feel depressed and have to start the whole thing over. Arghh!!
As the crave chart shows, many quitters experience an increase in thoughts at the end of the first week.

Quitting is a two steps forward, one step back, five forward, one back process. There are several points in time that "feel" tougher, even though they probably really aren't.

The end of the first week is one example. Up 'til now, quitting smoking has probably been all-consuming hand-to-hand combat. While it may well have been easier than you thought, you have spent your waking hours figuratively down in a crouch with your fists raised, ready to ward off cravings at the first inkling.

You are slowly moving past that stage. The cravings come a little less often. You are also reaching the point of being worn out from the hand-to-hand combat, so you are slowly returning to a less alert state, starting to let your guard down a bit. And, guess what, along comes a trigger and rocks you back on you feet because you weren't braced for it. It feels like the worst yet, but if you are really honest, today is probaby nothing like day three in intensity.

Part of moving forward in your quit is learning that you will get hit with surprise attacks. They will be less and less frequent, but that can make them feel more and more distressful. Just take a deep breath and deal with them using the same aresenal of tools you have been developing.

There's one other moment that has to be dealt with. That's the moment when you say, "OH MY GOD, I'M ACTUALLY QUITTING SMOKING." Most nicotine junkies don't believe that they will actually quit. Subconsciously, maybe don't even want to quit. So it can be a little terrifying when you actually reach the fork in the road when you KNOW in your soul that you can go forward and never smoke another cigarette in your life. I personally reached that moment on Day 3 and found it almost exhiliarating. I don't underestimate that it can be a frightenting moment for other quitters. Probably a good time to go reread some Allen Carr or watch some videos and reinforce your understanding of the nicotine addiction.
Try to remember that the cigarette will never be as good as the fantasy! Of course, we want that ONE cigarette...we just don't want the other 19 or more that goes with it everyday! On top of stress at work you will have the guilt of blowing this great quit that you have going! Just keep looking at the big picture.
Hi Andrew, I'm on Day 7 and I like hwc's comments above -- I also re-read earlier today the tips for staying a non-smoker on this site. So at the moment I am learning how to import images for chatting on this site:
Hi Andrew, I'm on Day 7 and I like hwc's comments above -- I also re-read earlier today the tips for staying a non-smoker on this site. So at the moment I am learning how to import images for chatting on this site:
Have a great evening!! Sandra
Very funny - Only meant to send one elephant!!!!!