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Share your quitting journey

day 2... 48 hours without a smoke..

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i just cleared my 48 hour mark of not smoking...  i just had a really bad craving mainly because i just ate and my 6 year old really hurt my feelings... yes i know some of you may say but she is only 6...  for some reason she has been on me all evening about smoking and how "fat" i am...  i guess right now i'm more emoitional because i'm probably going thru withdrawl...  i got past the urge and didn't smoke...  so i am proud of myself...  i have tried to quit many times before and any little thing would cause me to pick back up..  this time i'm not going to allow myself to do that...  i need to stay quit... my mother in law died of lung cancer and smoked all the way up to her last two months alive... and i took care of her her last two months alive... so i know what it can do to you...  and my husbands best friend died of lung cancer so again i know...  i've been able to give up drugs... and my withdrawl with pain pills was terrible...  so i'm ready for this quit...  i just have to fight the urges... 😃

5 Comentarios
Great job! I have been fighting back a huge craving right now because kids being nutty and the husbands out smoking. I keep empowering my self by telling my self I can choose not to smoke even if I could since they are right here at grasp.

you hang in there, you can do this, one day at a time.


Congratulations on your decision to quit.  You are in the right place for help and support. Have you done any reading about your addiction? If not, go to and read, read and read some more.  The more you educate yourself the more you know what to expect and how to deal with it.

Now my question, why would you let a 6 year old call you fat.  She needs to respect her mother(you) more than that.  I may be old fashioned but that is just the way I see it.


So glad you found us!  This is a community of people who truly want to help each other succeed in living a smoke-free life.


Keep in mind: there is no "try".  To paraphrase Yoda, you either do, or don't do.  This applies to smoking, just like anything else.  You don't have to WANT to quit.  But you do have to DECIDE to quit.  And quitting is very likely NOT as hard as you fear it will be.


The best thing to do right now is to educate yourself about the addiction.  The info in the 2 links below has helped many people quit smoking and stay quit.


If you have already quit and are struggling, take deep breaths, take long walks, play a video game, stick your head in the freezer or bite a lemon!  Do anything to distract yourself and get through the smoking thoughts.  And remember that this will pass.  Come here and get to know us.  You will soon see that it is not about giving something up, but about gaining.  Walking away from cigarettes will enhance your life in ways you can't imagine yet.


There is tremendous strength in joining with others who understand what you are experiencing.   We will help with advice, suggestions, humor, and a listening ear.  If you are feeling vulnerable, write a blog and put "Help" in the subject line.  Someone will answer quickly.  You are not alone.


every hour that passes by makes us stronger and more determined to stay smokefree your doing great just keep busy and stay strong