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Share your quitting journey

day 12

0 7 16

I'm coming off wellbutrin tomorrow. starting an anxiety med and I'm feeling pretty good about it. I don't have the urge to smoke often, but when i do it's super intense. Doesn't last long and I can work through it. I may make it after all! LOL

I'm off to enjoy another smoke free weekend! Thank you all for the kind words and support, I look forward to continuing on my journey with all of yall!

7 Comentarios

I am so proud of you. You can do this. Keep stacking those days.


All of y'all?  Do I detect a Southern accent, my dear?

You are doing GREAT!  Just remember to distract yourself when a crave hits.  I like what Thomas posted today as a distraction.  Did you see it?  If not, you might want to find it, copy and  keep it with you.  It is an easy and doable distraction that should work just fine!  If you can't find it, just let me know.  I saved it.

Keep adding those days!  You are almost finished the most uncomfortable two weeks!



I didn't see it, and yes I have lived in mississippi for 10 years and was born in oklahoma so I do  have a bit of the southern accent going on LOL

I'm excited to keep adding the days and to finally succeed in kicking this addiction. I refuse to call it a habit, it's a nasty addiction. My husband is still a smoker and the smell is driving me insane. not in an, 'i want to smoke!' kind of way but more in a 'it's grossing me out and you smell' way. He says he's not ready to quit yet and I won't push him. I've made my truck a no smoking zone and I don't sit with him while he smokes because it just stinks. I hope he's ready to quit soon.


Good Job!


Congrats on 12 days! Enjoy the weekend!


hang in there your doing great, congrats on 12 days. NOPE

Way to go!!! Congrats!