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chantix should I continue?

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Hi I have reached 6 days smoke free and have been using chantix to help me. On my last two days I did not take my chantix due to the nasuea and crazy dreams. I have been able to maintain being smoke free so my question is should I continue my chantix perscription or should I stop due to the fact I seem to not crave anymore? I don't want to slip because I feel proud that I have lasted this long without them.


I believe this is a personal choice you will have to make for yourself.... but.... reading that the prescription caused you nausea and crazy dreams, it doesn't make sense to continue with it.  Are those side affects that wil eventually go away?


I would discuss with whomever provided you the prescription.  That said, from what I understand and have read, the temporary nauseous feeling and vivid dreams are very common side effects and tend not to go away.  You have to weigh the good and bad.  Talk to your doctor.


I am with TheRider on this one,  talk with your dr. I personally had some issues with Chantix when I tried it before, but I have issues with depression and it runs in my family. I never had problems with vivid dreams on chantix or nausea, it just made me very very depressed.


Call the doctor.  You certainly need to feel absolutely confident that you will be able to control the urge when you stop taking the meds.  They always say "The benefits outweigh the risks of the medicine you are taking."  So smoking is worse that the nausea and crazy dreams.  However Im sure you can do it without the meds!


One month into taking the chantix, I cut my dosage in half.  I was only taking one pill in the morning.  A couple of weeks later I halved that.  Don't risk relapsing by quitting to soon.  Ain't worth it.  I have been smoke free for 103 days and off of chantix for 60 days.  It was a miracle drug for me.  Good luck.



I've been taking Chantix for 11 days now and I haven't had a cigarette in 4 days.  I smoked a pack a day for almost 18 years.  I feel that Chantix is a miracle for me.  The first two days i felt mild nausea which passed pretty quickly.  Apparently, its important to drink lots of water which might help.  I noticed  I had vivid dreams for two to three days after my dosage changed.  After that is leveled out and I could sleep fine.  Talk to your doctor and see what he says but if you can get past the nausea and dreams it really works well.


I've been taking the Chantix for 2 weeks now, 1 week smoke free.  I believe there are lower doseage amounts you can take that may stop the nausea.  Make sure you take with plenty of water and food, that may supress the nausea as well!  Good luck!


hmmmmm...... I think I will just continue my chantix because, you are right, I rather not take the risk of smoking again, this is the longest I have ever went without smoking so thanks everyone for your insight.