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chantax way....

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just curious how many people here quit with the help of chantax. last year i quit cold turkey and then 4 months went back to smoking. My own damn fault I gave in to a harmless craving that easily would have went away in seconds but anyway that was then this is now. So I am on my 5th day of taking chantax and my quit date is suppose to be the 1st of august. i was just curious what everyones experience was with chantax. today I was very irritable and confused even though I am still smoking. But I do find myself lighting one up and then putting it out so this is good but if anyone would like to share with me about their experience I would be delighted. thanks and glad Im trying again to give this up. Vickie


I know several people who've tried Chantix and suceeded.  Me I had a reaction to it and had to stop.  It's well worth a try but just monitor how you feel.  If you get really crabby, mean and some reaction is thoughts of dieing call your doctor right away.  I can't take those pills but like I said others had great sucess! 

Good luck!


It may help... but if you find yourself wanting to go back to smoking, don't blame it on the chantix.  You have to really want your quit no matter what.  Search for it, work for it, work with it, read the blogs, help others, that's what's going to help you quit.  Just my thoughts.  Protect Your Quit.


Hi Vickie - I also tried to quit cold turkey.  I lasted 2 days.  My nerves felt like they were jumping out of my skin.  I called my doctor and he put me on Chantix.  I have a successful quit now - 2 1/2 years smokefree.  I really do not think I could have done it without the help of Chantix.  Chantix worked great for me but doesn't for everybody. 

I also had  some wierd dreams on Chanitx, but of course my husband quit cold turkey and he had wierd dreams to so I can't blame it on Chantix.  Some nights I couldn't sleep and I took tylenol pm.  That helped me sleep and not have the dreams.

Follow the instructions on the Chantix and do what they say.  Some of my friends here that were on Chantix when I was felt strong in their quit, so therefore quit the Chanitx earlier than suggested.  They relapsed,  So please follow the instructions.

Congrats on your decision to become smokefree and I'll be here to support you.


Vickie even though you are still smoking the nicotine is not making it to your brain so in reallity your brain thinks you quit already and thats why you are already getting the quit side effects. Chantix is a great ad but you will control your quit. I used it for almost 6 months and it worked great for me. Its a one dose fits all medicine and sometimes the full dose is to strong for some women so if you start getting some Chantix side effects not quit side efeects you can lower the dose by cutting the pills. It really helped me get through the really tough spots but you still have to work your quit. Congrats on quitting


Vickie even though you are still smoking the nicotine is not making it to your brain so in reallity your brain thinks you quit already and thats why you are already getting the quit side effects. Chantix is a great ad but you will control your quit. I used it for almost 6 months and it worked great for me. Its a one dose fits all medicine and sometimes the full dose is to strong for some women so if you start getting some Chantix side effects not quit side efeects you can lower the dose by cutting the pills. It really helped me get through the really tough spots but you still have to work your quit. Congrats on quitting