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Share your quitting journey

breathing for life!!!!

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hey everyone, so sorry i havent been by, not to mention i did come here last night couldnt get in ,came today but got to tired ,needed a nap iam here now cheering all u quitters on.. I smoked 40 yrs, never thought id be a quitter, I have a yr in half :)) time fly when ur having fun.

I was stage 4 copd/with end stages emphysema. copd took over my entire life,copd made the choice for me on everyday dailly struggles while smoking sucked the life out of me. I had my lung transplant june 23rd 2012. today is my 2wk lungaversary :)) lmao So im not here to preach to you, your all big boys and girls. you no what to do but next time you ana smoke think of me, noo, not all smokers get copd empysema, but why chance it thats playing russian roullet with life . while you still have the chance to live. my chance was running out, it was a matter of time for me, I was listed may 22,12, i got my call 4 wks later. great things are happinning at new york columbia..they tell no lies..I seen it with my eyes...

so to give alittle run down on my 12 days in the hosp. I was taken to surgery june 28th AT 545 PM. I Left my husband & daughter hugged them reli tight wheeled in O/R ,they were pretty kool in there, put good music on, talking, laughing.. on the table i thought ok god, its all in ur hands, dont let me die tonight. next thing i no its the next day. I was in there on that table 6 hrs. i had 15 family members and friend in the waiting room, i was in recovery till2 am b4 anyone can see me, so most of them stayed there till 4-5 am my husband jimmy he never left my side the whole 5 days in icu. i woke up frustrated i felt the vent and freaked out, i wanted it off yesterday lmao they gave me a shot when i woke again still freaked out they yelled at me to calm down or they wont do it. so i reli reli tried. they took the vent out but nothing came out i couldnt breath in or out. finally my surgon yelled blow out hard right now or ur goin back on.. screw that no iam not ,lmao i blew reli hard and sucked in air lmao that was the scary part of it. i was all doped up. i was told in the icu that night that my daughter held my hand talking to me. i rem alittle of that ,they put a rubber pool sorta like u will by ya 2 yr old, with warm water they put it over me to bring up my body heat. I got 2 blood transfusion. my daughter walked in the room at 3 pm i was so out of it i gave her a thumbs up and cracked a joke lmao LAUGH LAUGH LAUGH thats all i can think of lol 4 pm i was in a chair,my daughter says i was on amillion machine tubes, she was scared .. my legs were mush, i slept that day away. that was friday, sat i sat up all day long . but the pain was so bad , good thing for very good drugs lmao & a morphin button..I was sick to my stomach, i never thought in my whole life id handle pain. but the drugs took it away which made it alil easier. sunday, i was in the chair nurse told me i had to go back to bed, i wanted to walk, I was afibbing,while my presure ws dropping. 79/48 I asked if i was in heaven lol long story short now on heart meds till they regulate it. monday same thing but i was moving from icu to step down 8pm. tuesday i got up out of bed. with my p/t walked with my 02 but i walked 150 feet.:)) once i did that i was on a roll. good thing I DID ALOT OF WORKING OUT B4 I WENT IN .. in 3 days my legs were mush. but i excersied in bed in the chair, i walked everyday. wed 4th of july they took me off 02, i have to addmitt, i was scared shit. i tied it to my bed rail just in case lol hey i wasnt takin no chances lol thursday my daughters 20th birthday,she came to spend the whole day with me, she wanted to walk with me, i said ok, she said ma, ur 02, i said no nice havent had it on in 24 hrs :)) we walked 200 feet , my daughter was gona cry, she said this is the best birthda i ever had, to see my mother walk ,not be out of breath, and no 02 thats bigg ,awww she almost made me cry. my sisters were there for me my friends neices nephews, i had a great support team, that works, on friday they were gona discharge me in 8days they said i wouldve made a goal there only one guy left in 7 days the average is 2-3 sometimes 4 wks, i woulda been the only one who did it in 8 days wooot wooot LMAO but i ended up with a bacterial infection in my new lung, so they kept me tll monday and monday night they said ok ur going tomm. but ur goin home wuth i/v .. no problem so iam home since tuesday night 630 pm, it was a crazy night nurse was here till 1130 yeaterday she was here 9 am. then a visiting nurse later on, things are finally calmng dowm now. I was pretty sick in the middle of the night last night, i had stomach pain was gona vomit i thought omggg thats a sign of rejection. my husband rubbed my back i went back to sleep & felt better about 10-11 am now iam just tired lmao I take about close to 40 pills a day, for the 1st yr i have to be very careful. now they called me and will prolong my i/v another wk, i was gona be done this sunday but now itll be next friday.. I go for my drs appt wed the 18th to do my 1st pft. i am excited.:) i was 22% hope iam not dissipointed, my new lung is a very healthy lookin pink lung almsot perfect that said.. I have to say, this is the best journey i ever went threw in my life, I have n regrets other then smoking and brining me to this point. now im off all my inhalers nebs,02 breathing pills im on nada lmao I was told tody when they called i dont want u in bed constanly ,i said no way im walkin doin thing she said heyy that dont mean u can run around. you had magor magor surgery. go slow. so here iam following orders. my husband took off from day1 hell go back to work for my kids, well iam so proud of all my kids they all did the right thing was there for me, luv u guys.& thanks for being there hen i needed you all, your the reason with daddy i survived this, you guys are my rock, i have over 100 stitches/staple under my breast line around to my back.itll be there 6 wks. i can not drive 4-6 wks, thats ok. nicle drives me around anyway and when i go out i have to wear a mask. for the 1st yr.. my meds wow, good thing my cuzin did a fundraiser for meds, i couldnt belive my copay how ppl do it with out that is beyound me. 40 pills a day for a month costing me 1000.00 a month. with in 3 months, they will takes someaway by 6-9 months more by a yr ill need my rejection meds for the rest of my life, unfortunitly they are the ones that cost the most. one pill is 2700.00 no shit . so when u need meds to keep u alive for ur life fundraise. only in america:)) breathing is so much better then smoking,so when u wana smoke, remember this is a thing of the future. do u reli want this for ur future. well, speakin of pills 6pm is here lolol iam always thinkin of u guys. this is where it all began & you guys walked me threw this journey from day one.thank you all .. there is also copd group janet /chris wana thank u also for seeing me threw everyday :)) joanne.s and ppl in tx page if it wasnt for u, i wouldnt have known half of what i no. thank u also.. my sister kids sisterinlaw, thanks for everything.and my friends, i have some pretty awsome friend ,doris roy andree lee. couldnt ask for better people in my life.luv u all.!! Smokefree 600 something days lmao got a new lung, brings me a new life. the gift of life is the most unselfish thing a person can do. r/i/p my donor. i will forever be gratful xoxox any questions, just ask me. xoxox

37 Comentarios

WOW!! That sounds like alot!!! But the thing that amazes me is that you have such a positive attitude about it all!!!  I am so glad that you were able to get the transplant and are able to have another chance at life!! IF there is anyone on here that should be a motivator for us to quit smoking, it is you!!! I am so glad that you are on the road to recovery!! You had alot of people praying for you!!! You are a loved lady!!!!

You are doing great! Take it easy...take it slow..relax and heal. How is the breathing feeling? I bet it's awesome....what a gift to receive and what a superstar you are!

Jo Jo,

Great to have you back.

But, darn it woman, you got me crying while you are LYAO. 

Love you.


thanks worrior. everything you just said means alot thanx for all the prayers the thoughts & just stay strong and positve .. its so worth it 🙂


lmao babsssss miss you so much whatthe hell ya crying for lol  luv ya too 🙂 and no dam crying ..jeannie thank u verymuch hope ur doin well.

LOVE YOU - LOVE YOU - LOVE YOU! Thank you for all this Great history! May all addicts hear your story and decide to N.O.P.E.!!! Take EXCELLENT care of You, JoJo!!!! I won't ever stop praying for you and Family and Friends and also, for Family and Friends of your donor! God Bless!

thomas thank u , i was gona send ya a message but with prograft some times i get stunada LMAO


We are all with you Jo. Great blog.....


So glad your out of the hospitol JoJo . Sorry I don't know how anyone could read your blog and not be crying. What a story!  I was on vacation during your transplant and had to check every day for news of you. You are an important person here.


You are my quit smoking hero !!!!!!!!  You are a strong lady and a power of example to us all!


Thanks for sharing an amazing and very powerful story.  I am so happy to know that you are breathing without the aid of an oxygen mask.  Your positive attitude is wonderful.




Jojo, I am so very glad you are here. I am so happy you are on the road to recovery. Your attitude is fantastic and will help heal your body.  LOVE and HUGS to YOU.


Sat and balled my eyes out as I read your blog,  jojo. ♥

I cant even begin to imagine all the things that ran through your mind the day of your transplant...... but I do know this..... the world is a much better place with you in it..... truly a Lady that has inspired SO many of us in our quits.

You are LOVED.  Sending you many  prayers and a smooth healing road ahead!


Thank you Joanne for this day-by-day account...I couldn't BELIEVE the day they took you for your tx on Friday nite (I think) and I blogged it here about it....and then I started praying and couldn't sleep so I kept glad your family was close by....(DANG, your meds are expensive for a co-pay.....I will be very happy to remain smokefree and breathe freely, thanks to YOU)......go figure, maybe you can wear high-heals again!!!! WOOHOO.....Love you, Nancy


Love you so much....Cryin', laughin', cryin', laughin', and so GRATEFUL you have been given another chance.  Cryin' while laughin'.......Thank you JoJo, thank you so much for blogging today, I think of you all the time, you are always in my prayers, and your donor also.  God Bless...

May You Always Walk In Beauty



Made me so emotional too,,so happy you made it through! Keeps me going now,,once again, for what it's worth!

I may have gone into the junkie mode,,but I managed to get back here! I'm amazed at what you've had to endure. You are an incredible person and, no matter what,,I still think of you as my quit buddy!


A very moving and ppowerful account! I will continue to pray for you. Thank God for organ donors and technology to enable such a miraculous opportunity for recovery. I wish all the best for you and your family. I think a very tiouching part of your story was when your daughter was so happy ito see you walking in such a new way. It must seem like a miracle for her. Thank you for your inspiration. God Bless You! I will surely think of you before I take another puff and then I will think again. NOPE!


Hello jojo, I am so happy for you. You remain in my prayers and are never a thought away. GOD'S continued blessings to you. You are so loved♥


Pink Roses With Tatty Bear Saying Hello

...My Beautiful Brooklyn Buddy.  You are the strongest woman I have ever been around in my entire life.  You are the poster child for strength, hope, faith and humor, Dear Jo.  I love you, My Friend, and you are in my heart and thoughts everyday!


You are one incredible woman. You have strength and courage Like no one else I have ever known. A true inspiration. I am so glad that you are doing well and I will continue to pray for  a speedy recovery and for you and your family.



Thank you for sharing that wonderful story. You are so very brave to have gone through all of that. Your attitude is great, even in the toughest times, ever since I met you here you have had a good attitude. Organ donation is one of the best programs this country has put in place. I am an organ donor, not sure what they can use, not sure if I want to know , as long as it makes someone like you live their life better,  that's all that matters. You listen to the doctors and do what they tell you, we want to see you here for a long long time. love you, JoAnn.


Welcome back.  Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.  Prayers are still heading your way.


You are one courageous - and spunky - lady Joanne!!! Thank you so much for such a vivid update.....I know that your story continues to help so many people. My prayers go on.....please take care! 


You are truely amazing Jojo. Thanks so much for sharing with us. You had dozens of ppl. here saying dozens of prayers daily for your safe return. What an incredible journey it's been for you, and you came out breathing easier with your new lung. A question? Will you ever know anything about the donor? What a beautiful gift you, and your family, have received. Rest, heal and then go kick some Brooklyn Bridge ass girl cuz you ROCK!!!!!! xoxoxoxo ♥


Hello Sweetie! You sound like you are doing GREAT! Take care not to overdo---one step at a time. Your blog should be MANDATORY READING for all newbies...who could smoke after reading it??

Stay Strong my friend. I continue my prayers for your full recovery.


Jojo, so good to hear from you!  Stay strong.  Hope to see you walking over that bridge in no time.  Thank you for taking the time to let us know where you are in your journey.


Jojo, so good to hear from you!  Stay strong.  Hope to see you walking over that bridge in no time.  Thank you for taking the time to let us know where you are in your journey.

JO I'm so glad your doing good thank you for sharing your a beautiful you

keep up the good work jo, I am so very happy for you and your family.Hugssssssssssssssss Judy


What an amazing story, and what an amazing person you are! You are an inspiration. Happy healing! I look forward to your future posts! Blessings to you. -Ginger


((((((JoJo))))))))))))) SOOOOOO Good to hear from you!!!!!


Welcome back JoJo, what a story!!  I am very happy for you and your new life - you can face anything after what you have been thru!!  Cheers!


When you were having the surgery, and in the days afterward, I just had a strong feeling that your work here was not finished.  Now, after reading this, I see why.  You are an inspiration and a joy.  Bless you.


want to thank everyone for everything, stonechipper, nope my work is just begginning : )

this is the place all this started out, everyone here has been there for me since i been here, i couldnt leave now. 🙂 thanks for ur kind words. I think it was karen askin me about the donor, I been asking about it but they have to be careful what they say, unos says no deal all on both sides is confidentuality. ill no the gender mayb if he young old hy he died,wed. then i have to by a thank u sympathy cared write my message hand it to my social worker who sends t to unos, if they want to contact me unos will ask me, im also goin on a donors page where they look for us and we look for them or there family. iam gona say my donor was fairly young b/c the lung is perfectly pink, no smoker lung. so thats all i no . anyway thank u all again god bless each of you with health happiness wealth & luv :))


I am so happy for you Joanne.  I think we all feel a little bit like your daughter when we read your words about walking and breathing.  Those are the words I have been craving to hear.  I can't get enough of your words about you breathing.  I want more!

I am so amazed by your courage and just wonder where you find that inner strength.  You are truely my hero and I am so thankful for you.       


So glad to hear all the great news!!!!!!  NEW LUNGS!!!!  Girl, you're going to outlive us all!!!! 🙂  I guess God wasn't finished with you yet.....He has something important for you to do.....and everytime you share your story, you're doing it!!!!!  I don't think it's a stretch to say that you, my dear, have saved lives!!!!  Who knows who would be sucking on a death stick right now if it weren't for you and all you've been through.  GOD BLESS YOU!!!!  


I know for a fact that the PRIMARY reason I did not fail in my quit this time, is because of you and your story JoJo. Words cannot express my gratitude to you for saving my life through the sharing of your story. I want you to know that you have also saved the life of my sister and my niece, with whom I have also shared your story, and both of them have quit smoking. Any time I even have a passing thought of smoking, all I have to do is think of your name (JoAnne) and your story, and the thought of smoking disappears and I remember to say another prayer for you.