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Journals / Blogs

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Journals / Blogs

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Hello new life

We write goodbye letters to our addiction so I thought we should write a “ Hello new life “ letter too . 

Hello new life ,

I’m so glad I’ve met you . You see most of my young life  I smoked and I missed out on so many years . I’ve quit now and my slate is c

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6 8 274
Quit the vape/smoke?  Here are some ways to support your skin and overall health!!:)

Your skin is the largest organ in your body... take good care of it!
Below are some things you can do to have healthy, glowing skin:


 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Hydration is king when it comes to enjoying a healthy glow. Aim to drink half your body we

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1 1 225
26 days and counting till I quit smoking....

I just signed up today so that hopefully I can actually quit smoking this time. I recently found out my daughter started vaping nicotine.  She is only 14. I can't keep smoking when it's my job to be the role model of You Can Quit Smoking. I have wanted to

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7 11 410
I feel Hopeless

I feel like giving up on life. Someone please text me 614-896-1084

0 1 325
Why you should quit vaping

Nocotine is a hard, fast addiction.  Just like any addiction, it destroys the dopamine centers in your brain.  Dopamine is the hormone of more; it always wants more: it’s never satisfied.  As a society, we are always looking for pleasure.  Instead of look

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10 5 590

This is my opening blog and BIG Hello to All in this community! Thanks to everyone here, including @G, @JonesCarpeDiem, @MotherGoose, @Thomas, etc. (you know who you are), that helped me quit smoking way back then. I was expecting quitting to be hard but it wasn't- maybe bc I was prepared by reading the Allen Carr book and following the guides by the Elders here to prepare! It worked and I'm SO happy! I left in 2017 for about 5 yearsIn case you were wondering, yes you can..jpg and soon started to help others quit on FB and we had an VERY successful group but I had decided it was time to leave and explore new groups and NEW people! You CAN Quit, all you need to do is Believe!  🙂  

3 12 480
Vaping & "The Virus" in teens and young adults

Vaping linked to COVID-19 risk in teens and young adults | News Center | Stanford Medicine 

1 3 161
Parent place

New here. Parent of teens vaping.   Trying to get help. 

0 4 241
Looking for advice on helping my teen (19) quit Juuling and smoking pot

So my son is 19. We knew he smoked Juul and pot, but we’re hoping he would  grow out of it..on the contrary, it has gotten worse; he went to college for one semester and decided not to go back.  (He is currently looking for a full time job). He has admitt

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1 3 372
Teens and Vaping  - A TED Talk

Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin: What you should know about vaping and e-cigarettes | TED Talk 

So much here I didn't know!

4 5 234
The Shocking Pitches Of E-Cigarettes To PRE-TEENS

Do these pushers have any morals?


Greed is their driving force, Money is their God and, Your kids and grand kids are their TARGET!

How are they doing it?

They are intentionally advertising them on youth oriented TV shows.

Between 2011 and 2014

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0 7 141