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Journals / Blogs

No more sitting outside in a plume of smoke!!!

My hubby Mark and I were in the path of totality yesterday so we Sat outside in our front yard we had clear skys and it was +17°C it was amazing! I didn't even think to take a picture 路‍♀️ but we've  got the memory seered in our brains and you know after

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5 6 159
Good Bye Cancer Causing Nasty things.....

I am getting ready to become a healthier person...  Also working on getting my household to quite also.  

5 4 64
Accidently made a post here

Sorry! Don’t know how to delete. Please disregard 

0 7 254

Am I boxed in?

Or is my voice free?

Am I allowed to speak?

Or still wading in the Sea? 

I fail to understand, yet I pass at what's understood.

And the characters are so false n fake, it just ain't no good.

Right is wrong and wrong is right!

Light is dark and dar

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3 3 232
A Father’s Gift of Time

Hello all. As a child of eight I remember being lost in a store and finding my dad by his cough. My dad tapered for eight years and had emphysema/COPD. His tapering and his quit gave us more time with him. My brother and I saw that it was not easy for him

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4 6 370
A few things I have done to replace vaping

✅walk on my walking pad 

✅go out for a coffee break

✅drink water with electrolytes (I highly recommend LMNT @drinklmnt they have a watermelon flavor with stevia leaf extract 

✅do meditations (there is a great app called Aura)

✅get a facial

✅ exercise

just giv

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7 8 308
Quit the vape/smoke?  Here are some ways to support your skin and overall health!!:)

Your skin is the largest organ in your body... take good care of it!
Below are some things you can do to have healthy, glowing skin:


 Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Hydration is king when it comes to enjoying a healthy glow. Aim to drink half your body we

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1 1 225
Re-posting a repost of an old Classic: I want you to stop trying to quit*

This is a repost from what I wrote March 12, 2009.  It still applies today.

I want you to stop trying to quit.

Yes, I said that. Even more, I mean it.

I browse around here and see post after post from people saying that they are "trying Chantix" or giving th

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13 16 757
Why you should quit vaping

Nocotine is a hard, fast addiction.  Just like any addiction, it destroys the dopamine centers in your brain.  Dopamine is the hormone of more; it always wants more: it’s never satisfied.  As a society, we are always looking for pleasure.  Instead of look

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10 5 590
Feeling Supported a little project

I found there are places where people didn't get any replies. I know some of them are old posts. I feel bad that people didn't get any replies.  If they came here for help but they spoke and all they heard was an echo, maybe they left and never came back

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5 19 585

I have been trying to quit as well as trying to get my twin brother to quit vaping. We have both been doing it on and off for three years now. I want him to quit for his own health as well as in support of me quitting. We both live at home with my parents and as you can imagine its hard for me to permanently quit when I know nicotine is present in the house (seeing, smelling, hearing it). I’ve tried explaining to him that it is near impossible for me to quit when he keeps bringing it in the house- I have noticed him hitting it a lot less recently- I hope the end is in sight for his vaping. Anyone else have a similar struggle?

2 7 298

This is my opening blog and BIG Hello to All in this community! Thanks to everyone here, including @G, @JonesCarpeDiem, @MotherGoose, @Thomas, etc. (you know who you are), that helped me quit smoking way back then. I was expecting quitting to be hard but it wasn't- maybe bc I was prepared by reading the Allen Carr book and following the guides by the Elders here to prepare! It worked and I'm SO happy! I left in 2017 for about 5 yearsIn case you were wondering, yes you can..jpg and soon started to help others quit on FB and we had an VERY successful group but I had decided it was time to leave and explore new groups and NEW people! You CAN Quit, all you need to do is Believe!  🙂  

3 12 480
Helping my Husband

Hello and thank you for the great comments celebrating my 1 yr. anniversary.  I want to know how I can support my husband with his QUIT.  I do not want to nag him since I know this did not work for me.  He is proud of my quit but says he wished he could d

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0 9 112