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been keeping busy Now starting FIFTHE DAY SMOKE FREE!!!!!!!

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Sorry I haven't posted my progress, but I have been keeping busy to avoid smoking. I finally slept through the night for the first time since I quit, and my concentration is getting better. Each day gets easier and easier. OH another bonus: My blood pressure went down, I was pleasantly surprised about that little event. I monitor my blood pressure a few times a week and when I took it yesterday it was actually normal, not high!!! My dr. just raised my blood pressure medication and it was not working so this is a great sign. My husband has been really cranky, I hope today gets better for him. he is about a day behind me, so today there should be improvement.
Congrats on your 5 days and on getting your blood pressure down to normal! That is quite an accomplishment. Way to go!
Hi and congrats, I'm on day16 and chantix has made this unbelievable easier. I went to the eye Dr. 3-3-09 and the nurse said my blood presure was way high 180 over 120. She asked what's up with your presure? I know noutghing about what is good or bad but I had already set my Quit day, she wanted to make a Doctors appt. that second. Anyway she scared me and I had just smoke one before I went in their office. I had it check before I left the office and went back the next morning to check it again. It was lower 140 over 110 something like that but before I go to a dr. I wanted to be smoke free to see if is lower, sorry so long, What should it be?Paul