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Share your quitting journey

ahh the grieving process

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Hello Friends 

This week has been so rough for me...I am in grieving....I miss everything about smoking...LOL...and I don't understand why. the physical part seems to be gone, but the mental part has really hit hard this week. I feel so depressed, and usually I am a very upbeat I don't know this feeling I am having...( I don't like it)..

My house smells like cigarettes again because hubby is smoking is to cold outside to send him out..I watch him smoke and miss it...I catch myself wanting to just get one, Please say a prayer for me... I want this quit so much...but i feel as if I am losing my desire and my determination has weakened.......send positive remarks...encourage that thing you all do so well...tell me I am not crazy.......


Hang in there, please!  It is extra tough when only one spouse quits.  Go to my page and copy off "junkie thinking" .  This helped me get thru some really tough cravings (longings).  I also embraced the idea that I have had enough cigarettes for the rest of my life so I wasn't "missing" anything as I have already had enough.  It's hard to wrap your brain around it, but once you do ...... well, it really helped me anyway.



  morning bev, NO ur not crazy, I have some days like that too, my hubby smokes too, but i look at him and say what the hell was i think or aM i much do u pay for SICKORETTES, put it away each day and on sat/sun see what u have, i bet wen u find that play money and u can go out to eat or by new shoes haha ull like it.

smell hubby and see how awful it smells, eww and we use to smell like tht. not anymore cuz we dont smoke hahahaah

and think how u luv urself u wana live longer one thing that keeps me goin besides the money part LMAO is energy, i excersie and feel better, try it, now u and I no u can do it, were gona do it together bev. dont fail me now give urself the gift of life for xmas wooohooooo Iam here if u need me 🙂


Don't give up please, I blew a two year quit and i so regret it now!!!!! i quit again 3 days ago, but it took me almost 2 years to try again. I have severe COPD, I am on oxygen, medications and probally will not live to be in my late 60's, I am 52 now. Because of smoking I cannot recover from a illness 3 1/2-4 years ago which landed me in the hospital on a vent and in a coma for a month. Not worth it!!!!!! i can't breathe, I can't take a nice walk, I can't play with my grandchildren, SO many things I can't do anymore because I damaged my lungs so much by smoking they cannot recover from my illness. Please talk to your hubby about maybe not smoking in front of you, that ius a temptation I do not think I could even stand, explain to himn how you are feeling. Stay strong!!!! Pray!!!!! i will keep you in my prayers





ah, NO MATTER HOW COLD, MAKE HIM SMOKE OUTSIDE!! Tell him he is sabotaging you and maybe he will want too!! You Probably can't smell how awful he smells, because living with an indoor smoker is like being a smoker yourself. That is not good!! Once he gets outside,,then brings the smell inside, you Prob won't want to smoke, It will smell HORRIBLE!! Tell yourself you are not missing anything about smoking. You didnt give anything up by quitting,, you gained a Longer, Happier, Healthier Life!! Take care,, and Stay Strong!! Jamie


Jamie said it well. And you are not crazy!  Although I did look at your page and see that you have 35 smoke free days!  You don't want to mess that up do you?  Do you remember what it was like in the beginning? Do you want to do that again?

The only thing I can think you can do is plead to your husband to smoke outside or find an area in the house where he can at least blos ome of the smoke outside thru a window. Bless your heart - you are doing so well.

You are the only one that can make sure you stay smoke free - it's not an option anymore because you don't smoke! Not one puff ever!



Beverly stay strong.  You've come too far.  You've gotten through the physical part.  We all understand the mental part.  Just last night I was having a beer and automatically reached over for my cigarettes, ash tray and lighter.  I had to laugh at myself.  Sometimes I just forget I quit.  Don't let your thoughts weaken you.  Fight it.  The urges will pass.  They always do.  Hang in there and stay strong.


If your husband is smoking inside, to some degree so are you. Please send him outside and be so proud you've made the decision to live a smoke-free life. 


Don't give up! You are stronger than that,  tell your husband that you can't tolerate the smell anymore & that he has to go outside.  My hubby still smokes too - but it is no longer an option - there is no smoking inside our house or the car that I'm riding in.   It isn't always easy, but you can do it.     Do it for yourself.

Be strong!                       N.O.P.E.



Thank you friends....You are the best !