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Share your quitting journey

You may not like what we have to say

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I think I speak for everyone in here, but as a group with new or seasoned quits, it's never our intention to hurt feelings of anyone in here.  Sometimes direct advice can sound tuff or hard but it always given out in compassion. We recognize these weak moments where craving a smoke enters into our thoughts and of course the first thing anyone wants to do if in that position ,is go find someone to blame so feel as though they have permission to smoke. It's called and excuse. All of us looked for them at one time or another in our quit journey. 

Its when we recognized and understood....did our homehome, that we developed a backbone instead of a wishbone and said enough was enough . We recognized the choice is ours if we want to smoke or not. Circumstances and people are not shoving them into our faces...we were. It has always been our choice all along. The freedom came when we came to recognize...'WOW, I can CHOOSE not to smoke and I can deal with whatever, without a smoke'.

Coming here and namecalling us because you feel one or all of us may have stepped on your toes is not only childish it just tells me your hurting.......hurting people hurt people. We have all hurt at one time or another in our quiit by the addiction...yet, it is not an acceptable excuse to be disrespectful  in my book. 

If your 'hurt' by advise given in here, then get busy getting busy reading and learning about the addiction because you don't understand it.  At Ex, we share our ups and downs and sometimes that involves the very words that someone shared with us that helped us through our 'hurt'...being shared with you in hopes to help you. There's a large variety of beautiful flowers here at Ex. We alll have our our beauty to share if your willing to bloom with us. Each flower has its own beauty to share and may be looked upon differently by the viewer.....but I promise you this....

its ( our) only intention is to help you see yourself, where you are presently in your quit, so you may make a healthy choice to live smokefree . Now go bloom and build your garden.


pictures of wild flowers8

This is BecomeanEX! Fresh Air!


Well said.


It is with each day, that I realize I'm an addicted, with positive affirmation to be strong enough not to be 'mad enough to the point of', 'stressed to the point of'.   I'm just a small speck of this crazy world. But I am fully responsible for what MY world, and what my choices are.    Even in my 'wits end' the sharpest tool I pull out like a mighty sword, is a cigarette WILL NOT solve the issues, problems, or stresses.  If anything it would add to them.

I go to bed blessed for my family, and the strength to end the day smoke free. And as always, I keep it real, one day at a time. 



Great blog Mandolinrain and straight from your heart. ♡ thank you, I've missed alot these few days not being here much.


Well said.  Thank you.

Now lets move on.  A few ants are bound to show up at any picnic!




People who blame others for their thoughts or actions are not high on my esteem scale.or theirs.


Mandolinrain‌ I do not think that people who are early in their quits or who are struggling with their quits have any idea how much they increase OUR struggles to help them.  THAT is a choice as well, we certainly do not have to come here and try to help, we could go merrily off on our way and let people deal with their own quits...many of us CHOOSE to try to help and to TRY to make it easier for those at the beginning of our quits.  We know that people who are early in their quits are tender...WE were tender, sometimes we still are.  

I am not sure I know what you are referring to but I did read a response last night that pretty much knocked me over...I THOUGHT that it might be a joke because the original comment was done in good humor.  I hope that it was just a misunderstanding and nothing more and I hope that newbies understand that elders are people too and we might not always come across the way we planned.  We might SOUND stern when we are trying to just encourage.  No one got to be an elder without going through the beginning of a quit.  NO ONE.

Have a wonderful day, Missy.  I am off to work today, hope I can get through this day without too much pain.

Love and hugs,



Perfectly said!




You put it beautifully.  We say o'er and o'er "take what you like and leave the rest."  Sometimes it's as hard to get across as NOPE!  lol and sigh


I know at times I'll read a blog and find it tough to come up with a response. I think a good filter is to put myself in that person's place and try to figure out what I would need to hear.  No one is perfect. Tough love is a talent that some are better at than others. I would rather say nothing than sound mean spirited.    


Beautifully said! 


So Very, Very Beautiful !! I can only Imagine the Beauty and Smell in this image! Knowing that I will Never regain much of my  Smelliñg SENSE...I can Certainly Remember the Ability to Smell Everything !!

Hallelujah  Such a WONDERFUL THOUGHT !!!!



DITTO !! Mine neither

I have a neighbor whom claims to be an Active Worshiper of our AWESOME GOD, whom is actually a Very "Miserable Person " In Her Skin !!! Sadly, as the Spirit in Me understands...but does Ñot accept.. her Proclamation to be a Christian as "Heartfelt"... Therefore I now am No longer Willing to be subjected to the Up & Down, Back & Forth Emotional pull on my Loving Soul !!! Period !!

Onçe again, I am Grateful for this Opportunity to VENT and remove the weight !!!

Avoiding those Nasty Cigarettes moment to moment, hour to hour, day by day...YAAAHOOOO


Much Love TO YOU, Miss Ellen !! I HEAR YOU. Clearly...Peace and much Àppreciation for All that You choose to Share with This NEWBIE !!! Hahahaha


I agree with Jennifer - so beautifully said! Thank you! 

About the Author
Smoking is not an option for me. I no longer have a wishbone to quit smoking...I developed a backbone and I quit. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will quit smoking too.