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Share your quitting journey

You know it has almost been 3 weeks completed since I decided to start this journey as a non smoker

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You know it has almost been 3 weeks completed since I decided to start this journey as a non smoker again.

Today I woke up and have gotten through the day w/ almost no cravings. I think something is finally shifting to a permanent position, where I am okay with the thought of not smoking again, ever.
6 Comentarios
Member are on your way. Just remember how much you want this and it will get easier everyday.
Thanks Susie & Melissa!

Melissa, I can totally relate to the personal demons/feeling blue. For me, kicking the physical part of the addiction to cigs is relatively easy considering all things. An actual that feels physical bothers me very is all the mental things. My addiction was more mental for me than it ever was physical. It's a harder habit to break.
I think thats a great step.....the mental part is huge for me....when you resolve yourself to a will get better....hit me up if you want to chat
Three weeks is great. And yes, it's mostly mental. But then, you see, the drug has actually altered our brains. It has created synapses that weren't there before. So don't ever take it for granted. Because it's a sneaky bugger. I know because I've been at this for over 2 years and it still wants to grab me back.
well that sucks
Oh my goodness, Melissa I can relate so much!!! If you ever need somebody to talk to that can relate, I'm here hun =D

Thanks James & Giulia.

James I don't think that totally sucks. This is an addiction that we have devoted years of our lives too. I have heard ex-alcoholic say the same thing...they must remain viligiant of their sobriety basically for the rest of their life...

James I see on your page you have only smoked for 9 years. I say only b/c it seems we got a little lucky by quitting earlier than a lot of people. There are so many people who have 20...30+ years of smoking under their belts. You can't expect something you did every day for years and years to disappear suddenly. As ingrained has it has become to me over the course of 7..8 years, I can't imagine 25...30 years. I admire those people who have been able to quit after smoking so long... I honestly don't know if I could.