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Share your quitting journey

You cant have me! I will kill you cigarette. Try me some more! Im ready like you never imagined!

0 7 19
I wonder if everyone has been as angry as me when they quit? I hit my head on the refridgerator,and oh wow look out. I swore every word I could think of, punched my bf (we are not that type either),screamed on the top of my lungs,threw things. I just moved into my apartments,too. I have screamed on the top of my lungs inside/outside. These neighbors must really think I am psycho. I dont care. I am usually the most chilled person,who never yells. I wonder if such anger is normal? It is day 5,and I heard the worst of it is over. So why am i still a raging lunatic...After all that, I started crying and sobbing. Then I felt depressed. Then my stomach felt upset. But one thing I can tell you is, I will never look back. I swear I am never ever gonna smoke again. I dont care what it entails. Right now, I feel a sense of peace because I know I will never smoke a cigarette. I truly HATE them with every part of my soul. I hate them for trying to take my life. Well guess what B***!!!!!!!! you cant have my life!!!!! Bring it on!!!! Fight me!!!! And I will throw dishes at you. You cant have me. I am sending you to hell. Ha! Bring-it-on!
Jesus, you are hilarious! lol. Don't worry, it gets better. lol. If not just contact your local psychologist. 🙂
Yes, yes, and oh by the way, yes. I did all of that and then some. You've got to be patient with the process. Our bodies get alot more screwed up inside than we can see or feel. Hormones are way off, chemical imbalances in the brain are at extremes. The entire, very complicated system that we call the human body is hit with all 4,000 chemicals in those cigarettes, not just nicotine. Good news is, the raging lunatic does go away. It took a few weeks for me, and then I'd still have moments here and there in the first few months that got my goat. I switched gears a lot. I'd scream in the mirror and look like the devil himself. Angry? You bet! Then I'd get in my car and go to Wal-mart and window shop. I hate shopping! I did it though to give my body some destress so it could continue to heal better. You are NOT alone. And I love your quit-tude so just keep it up and keep going. This crazy crap doesn't last forever! Congratulations!!!!!
I've honestly never reacted to a quit like that, bad temper sometimes, but not screaming inside or outside.
Hmmmmm............maybe if I'd done a little of that, I wouldn't have had to start over so many times!!
You're gonna make sound very determined that no matter what happens or how you feel you WON'T smoke!! GOOD for YOU!!!!!
During my 1 st week I was a powder keg. Would advise you continue to vent when you need to. Neighbors will have to deal with it.
Thanks everyone! At least I know im normal,lol.
hahahhaha lmao, you'll tough it out!
believe it or not I was worse......Bitch would have been too kind, it gets better, so hang in there:)