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Share your quitting journey

You Can Do This

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I am nearly 5 THOUSAND days quit!  
It can be done!  I smoked for 37 years and May 2 will be 13 years quit!!!  

If you are struggling now , struggle a little longer …it is worth it.  I gained weight , I struggled with using my time wisely , I was in a fog for a little while …but I did it without any form of nicotine.  And here I am …almost 13 years later ….30 pounds down , walking 3 miles a day , enjoying a hobby I took up 7 years ago (pottery).  I always knew quitting was the smart thing to do ..I just had no idea how HAPPY I could be as a non smoker!!

I don’t miss smoking …It was a process I don’t ever want to repeat , so I made up my mind on day 1 ….I could never touch a cigarette again.  So I never did! 

Hang in there - You Can Do This! 




Good that you stopped by!  I just know your message of your Best Life after quitting will help someone just starting out.

I quit almost 12  years ago, and I agree - it's one of the best things I have ever accomplished.

Thanks - and congratulations on 13 Years!




@Alice23  13 NOPE years

WoooooWOOO and thank you for sharing too I appreciate you dear friend 


Thank you @Alice23 and congratulations.  I didn't start gaining weight until I went off the Nicotine gum--but now I am starting feel discouraged by my packing on the pounds.  BUT I know they will come off and your message is encouraging.  Thanks for coming by and I hope you have an amazing day.


@Alice23   Congratulations Alice!  You are proud and should be proud of this!  YOU took charge and overcame this.  The cravings DON'T last forever, but our minds tell us, differently.  We  CAN live without nicotine.  We CAN have the life we CHOOSE.   

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks so much for sharing your story and being so encouraging, @Alice23! And congrats on 5,000 days quit, that's amazing!!

- Danielle, EX team