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Share your quitting journey

Yikes 😲 next wks Hump Day is September 1st!

7 19 330

Anyone that lives in a snowbelt may or may not agree with me depending on what season you prefer, Fall is my favorite Season 😁 I find Spring Summer and Fall seems to Zoom right on by BUT Winter drags on and on! I can't believe September is just around the corner WOW anyway no matter the season or the weather or anything else that's happening in our lives we can and MUST keep our quits in tact because it's a MUST if we EXpect to be around with the best quality of LIFE possible to enjoy the little things in LIFE! It's our CHOICE whether we relapse or NOT!!! I want everyone here at Ex to reap the benefits of Freedom so let's always remember and N.E.F ~ Never Ever Forget that horrid DAY ONE or those early days and weeks of quitting smoking because NONE OF US has to ever go back to another Day ONE EVER! Each and every Day WON is a GIFT OF LIFE!!!!! Our buddy our pal our friend our Hump Day Camel George is giving me daggers because I forgot to mention him! He wishes everyone here at Ex a Stressfree hasslefree BUT most importantly a Smokefree Day NOW he's ready for his coffee! 


 Our lives literally depends on us to look after ourselves because if we don't nobody else can do it for us .....



Here's a picture from 3 or 4 years ago from the 3rd week of March my daughter pulled over just a few miles from where we live to take a pic of me standing in front of a snowbank, it was March break we were on our way for an overnighter with Mason at the Castle Inn, there's an indoor pool, Jacuzzis and a gym......



Sticking with N.O.P.E  ~ Not One Puff Ever and Vigilance N.M.W ~ No Matter what ~ is key to remaining Smokefree and besides relapsing isn't an option EVER! 



19 Comentarios

Hell yea thanks for the empowerment 


That's one heck of a snowbank! I can't wait...I don't much care for 100 degrees with all this humidity. Fresh air without smoking, that sounds wonderful 🙂


Great advice I need this. It says on my profile page I quit four years ago, but for the last four years I’ve been battling with quitting and relapsing. It has been a vicious cycle. I really wanted to stop. I quit cigarettes and then I only Vape, but then I find myself vaping so much that I get rid of the Vape. Then I go and I buy cigarettes, so on and so forth. I’ll tell myself if I only smoked two or three a day I will be fine, two or three turns into six or seven. You know how it goes. I need your enthusiasm, positivity, and acronyms. This post helped me a lot.


Day 23, smoking isn't an option for me anymore!  Happy Hump Day Marilyn.  Summer has gone fast here.

I'm not looking forward to winter.  Fall is my favourite time of year as well.



Good Morning Marilyn

   I really have no favorite season They all have their own unique beauty and nastiness 

but the benefits I gained by quitting is by far my favorite thing no matter what season.

                  Happy Hump Day, but wait it is also

                National Banana Split Day –                                        August 25, 2021   


                            My Treat to Beat the Heat

Have a great day



@PrincessJasmine Welcome.   Get back on track.  We're here for you!




I suggest you write a blog to reintroduce yourself to the community (Home-top left; Post a Journal/Blog-center blue box) and include the information you responded with here.  Not everyone will see your comment, and I know the community would love to welcome you back!



Did you say SNOW?


George says



Happy Hump Day Marilyn @MarilynH 

I always love this picture of you in front of the snow bank…Oh Lord did you get snow that year….

Love that George … wishing you a good day ~ Colleen 996 DOF 


That year was a very loooooong Winter with tons of shoveling and plowing ugh! The last two Winters hasn't been too bad, hummmm I should be careful saying that lol! @sweetplt 


Noooooooo Snow LOL! That's a really bad word ha ha! 😃thanks Nancy @YoungAtHeart.....


Yum yum yummy on the banana split Carl and you're so very right about the benefits we gain by living a Smokefree 😁 I'm ready for that banana split now. 😁 @Cousin-Itt 


Stay close @PrincessJasmine we're all here to help you in any way we can and we are rooting you on You've got this deep breaths and believe in yourself because we believe in you reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent....


Thank you @Bethbothball I still smile at each and every Day WON!


Ugh on 100 degree temps @AnnetteMM I can understand why you prefer Winter for sure! 😁👍


@Cousin-Itt   Fun facts.   The banana split was invented about 50 miles outside of Pittsburgh.  They just celebrated their banana split festival this weekend.   


Fall is my favorite season too! Happy last Hump Day of August Marilyn! 


Thanks Kathy @Strudel I hope you had a wonderful day and are enjoying your evening. 😁🤗


Thanks Barb    @Barbscloud  I got the SCOOP about Latrobe PA.  when I read about today being  National Banana Split Day   Maybe next year Joyce and I can make a weekend out that way  as those are the type of festivals we enjoy going to and Latrobe is only 5 hours from me.


Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....