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Share your quitting journey


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Well  geesh it's that day again our buddy our pal our Hump day camel George is EXtremely pleased that I didn't forget to mention him this morning lol!  I'm so happy for each and every one of us for giving ourselves the Gift of LIFE!  Here's a little hump day humor for everyone lol! 😃













If you're reading this and are on the fence about quitting or you're struggling to remain quit please know that we're all here to help you in any way we can, please reach out whenever you need to or just want to vent! Read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's definitely not easy in those early stages of our quits but boy oh boy it's most definitely worth it deep breaths, you can do it! You've got this! 




11 Comentarios


Thank you dear friend @MarilynH  for the medicine of laughing I need everyone today

laughter is MY medicine on this whacky Wednesday for ME dealing with grief it has no blueprint just FYI 

Prayers lifted for my sister in love Sue who died of brain cancer on April 13 - 24

I am dealing with my mental and emotional codependency issues today and I will be going to MY Alanon support group where others share and teach me to cope with new mindset and new emotions that I go through the grief with family and be ok with no money to travel to Arizona for Sue wake and funeral

We don't have the money and my hubby will call his brother in love Tom today after work to give our love and sympathy and tell him we will not be attending

That is MY truth and reality today 

Only one more Wednesday and April 2024 gone and I personally am glad 

April 1st my mom death 10 months

Sue died April 13 

I ain't sucking on death sticks to cope with death and grieving I am share with all of you today

Death will come for us all it is just that some are ahead of the line 

Thanks for reading and letting me vent my grief and gratitude I ain't sucking on death sticks to cope with life on life's terms no matter how many family members have died and will died and Sue died etc etc


no matter what mental or emotional trauma I am grieving through April 17-24 




"No Matter What" are the quit words by which to live, for sure.

Sending a hug.




My thoughts are with you Diane Joy 🏵🌿 you have had so much grief in the last several years! You are a true inspiration to all of here at Ex and you're most definitely a kindred spirit! 🏵🌿






I am happy it's Spring, and I guess George is, too!



Spring there yet, @MarilynH ?


Yep Spring has definitely Sprung Nancy 😎 although I don't want to jinx it but we've been having some pretty nice weather YAY! @YoungAtHeart 


Since I have retired I do not give much thought to what day of the week it is. Amazed it is Wednesday already again. Exhausted today, long day yesterday was Brad's Celebration of Life. A lot of love in that hall. And boy are we old. Although in my mind there is no way I am that old LOL



@jonimarie I agree.   And, forget about the date.  I never know the date until I  look at something to check.




Good morning.  @MarilynH   I simply love all the sweet animals in your memes this morning.  We have all kinds of raccoon families here.  They sneak in at night and eat the cat's food.  They are cute because I don't try to pet them.  My ex-MIL used to have a raccoon as a pet, so they can be tamed.  I can't call George a sweet animal, but when I see him, I know exactly what day it is 🤔.  

((((Diane Joy)))) @indingrl  you are in my thoughts this morning.  I hope that you do something special and personal, in YOUR own way, for your friend Sue.  Sorry for your loss.  Cancer is taking too many.  Hope you can find comfort in your sorrow.


We have raccoons that come around in the Fall @biscuit9 when our corn is ripe, we don't mind sharing with them but they're greedy and won't share with us so this year we're going to have to do a better job of fencing the corn lol! 😃🌽🌽🌽


@Barbscloud It is funny. I got a Bday card last month saying enjoy the last of your 60's as I turn 70 next year. That was a shocker as I had not thought about it until then ...70 no way am I going to be did that happen LOL


@jonimarie I already crossed that line.  😊


Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....