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Share your quitting journey

Year One a Tribute

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Tomorrow is my one year anniversary smoke free!

This is the hardest, most important blog I have ever written.

Some of you old timers know me. Some of you newer ones may not.  Tomorrow it will be one year since I came tthis site. It will also be one year since  my very last cigarette EVER! If you look at my picture, you will notice a very handsome man standing beside me. That is my wonderful Husband, who after  49 years of smoking, followed me into a quit of his own last April.

4 days after Christmas, I kissed my beloved Husband goodbye as he left for workil & less than an hour later got the phone call we all carry in our worst nightmares "There's been an accident". The love of my life, my very best friend, was gone.

My life has turned upside down. I cry every single day. I am sadder than I have ever been.


I am proud of my quit.

My Husband was proud of his quit.

I am asking each and every one of you to please keep your quit.

I know it can be tough, but if you are tempted, think of us & try to keep your quit

.What a beautiful tribute that would be.

31 Comentarios

Daisy, I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved husband.  I can't even imagine what you're going through.  You are truly an inspiration, and if/when I get tempted, I will surely think of you and your husband, and your successful quits, and you'll give me the strength to resist the temptation.  You are truly a strong woman, Daisy.  Thank you for a very thoughtful post.


i am so sorry for your lost daisy, you sure been strong, i am so proud of you,  i know your husband was very proud of you, take care


I forgot to add:  Congratulations on your smoke-free year, you're doing fantastic.


I can't even start to imagine how you are feeling Daisy and I am so very sorry for your loss. I think sometimes we just have to be sad and grieve until we are able to heal. I think you are such an inspiration to all of us in keeping your quit through this most painful of life experiences. I am right behind you with 10 months tomorrow. I wish you peace in your heart and you will be in my prayers.


Daisy, I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your dear husband.  You are a positive example of never giving up the quit, regardless of the circumstances.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.  And yes, congratulations on being smokefree for a year.


I can't even begin to feel what you must feel. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Your resolve is amazing and points out that there is never a perfect excuse to smoke. You have proven that to us.

Congrats on a 1 year milestone.



Unfortunately I do know how you feel.  In 2002, I lost my 43 year old husband to cholangiocarcinoma.  The best advice I can give you is just breathe.  If you can focus on one breath at a time, one moment of sanity to the next, you can get through it.  I won't say it is easy and I won't tell you how long it will be before you feel normal again... grieving is such a personal process.  I can tell you that one day you will wake and your heart will be a lil less compressed; one day you will put your head on the pillow without crying; one day you will laugh again; one day, you will move on.  Until then, do what you did to get through your quit.  Find a support group for widows and widowers, there are several on-line groups out there.  (I belonged to the one on AOL)  If you need to, contact me on my page and I will give you my personal email addy. 


Aw Daisy, I am praying angels all around you to comfort you. I am so sorry for the loss of your love. 😞

(((BIG HUGS)))


what a story - you are an amazing woman - congrats on a year - simply fabulous - i will think of your story - absolutely - you are an inspiration to us all


Thank you for having the courage to honor your comittment to quitting. Thank you for having the strength to write this. Thank you for the inspiration you bring to this place. Please know that we are here for you. Always! Whenever you are ready to come home, there is a candle in the window for you!!

Daisy - I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I can't imagine dealing with that kind of pain....... You are in my prayers. You have managed to write an amazing blog - what an inspiration! Thank you! Congrats on one year!

Wow, you are doing great to stay smoke free through that.  But it is kind of like you will carry on the quit you did together, even though he is watching from heaven.  Keep it up.  I can't imagine it.  It is just the one year anniversary of losing my dad and I am having a hard time with that.  So keep up the good work!


Your words have an amazing impact. Tomorrow's my quit and after reading your blog and after what happened to my mom I feel like I will never light up again.  Thank you for sharing yourself with us all.  May beautiful memories wrap you in peace.

Hugs, Brenda


Hooray for one year and thank you for sharing your loss.  You were here when I arrived and were an inspiration to me in my Quit.  I'm sending prayers and hugs to you at this terrible time. 


I truly am sorry Daisy ..may God hold you in his arms until you are healed from this horrible loss...




Daisy---you have not been far from my thoughts or prayers since I heard this news. I am holding you close. You are such a strong lady and have such a wonderful family. I know you will be strong for them. I never doubted you would make it to one year. Congratulations.


Daisy, I am so sorry to hear of your loss.   My heart goes out to you.

Thank you for being a wonderful inspiration and sharing this blog.

Sending my prayers for peace and hugs


I am humbled by your courage and love for your husband.  What mixed emotions we have, happy for the quit, sad for the loss of a dear spouse. Peace and Love to you!



You will from now on be in my thoughts and prayers.......... you are an amazing woman!!!!!! Thank you for sharing with us.Hugsssss Judy


My deepest Sympathies and HeartFelt Condolences!!! Hold your head hig for paying this Beautiful Tribute to your Husband!!! He is smiling in Heaven! Big Gentle HUGS!


I'm with Ellen - I am so humbled by your strength to stay quit in spite of this horrendous tragedy.

So many ambivalnt feelings.

But on the quit, no doubt about it.

You are a huge inspiration to those of us strugglers here.



Daisy, Yoou had all the legitimacy in the world to pick one up and you did not. But that's you too, so I'm not surprised at all, you have always been precious and gracious without even trying, it's just you. I am so , so , so sorry for you to have to go throught this, I almost feel guilty as I can only think of you at this moment instead of your husband altho I know he was a wonderful guy and together you were complete. Time is what it takes to start some kind of life again and only time. My mother was widowed at 39 and I thought back then we had lost her too, because she was so devastated. Later she kind of  came around and when ask about it she always said,, "well you'll have some good days and some bad days, but the days are coming, nothing I can do about that but get up and get started ,,, if it's a good day." Hope you eventually get to a few good days, we all love you very much!

As Always,, James

P S congrats on your gracious quit!


I am so sorry for your loss.

I'm glad you don't have to quit again. Heal strong!


I am so sorry for your loss.  You are a strong woman and now have an angel watching over you!

you are an inspiration to all of us, thank you for sharing your story.


God bless



Congrats to us for our 1 year. May God bless u always and in many ways!!


Daisy I am so sorry for your loss. 


Oh Daisy, I'm so very sorry to hear your terribly sad news!  I remember when you blogged saying your husband had quit smoking also, I was so happy for both of you!  Crying everyday for the loss of your beloved is one of the ways you're experiencing your sorrow.  It's true what people say, after awhile the memories will bring you comfort  and your heart will feel some happiness again.  Of course, nothing will ever be the same again.  As with quitting smoking, you'll be totally re-inventing normai again.  Thank you for writing your blog, I know it must have been very hard.  Protecting your quit under the worst circumstances, you inspire just by being you, Daisy!  You're in my prayers, take care!


Oh my God, Daisy! I'm so sorry. I Blew my quit back around may and dropped off the site until Jan. 1st when I quit again.

I was just looking through all my old friends from when I first got on here a year or so ago and I clicked on your Icon to see when your last blog was. Not many folks from our quit period on here anymore.

Just gotta tell you how bad I feel for you and how strong you are to hold on to that quit through the loss you've experienced.

I'm SO proud of you and I feel like such s$#t about my weakness. I WILL stay quit this time in honor of your strength and in honor of your husband. I'm 48 days quit this time and this time it's for good.

All my sympathies, Bud