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Share your quitting journey

Yeah, I can be longwinded, but hey, it's 500 days

4 23 411

Tomorrow is 500 days – 6/8/17 Caution – another very long read, but I think worth it.

As I sit at my desk in my office watching as the sun goes down on another day, I often think how wonderful it is that I don't have the burden of smoking any longer. The ever aching need to light up and perform that motion for ten minutes only to light another one back up. Oh, such a chain smoker I was. I did most of my smoking when I was tired or extremely upset about something. I'd be like a steam engine puffing away thinking that I had absolutely no problem with this thing they call nicotine dependency, addiction, whatever word you want to use to describe it. I could quit at any time, I would tell the nonsmokers. It's no big deal.

Then I tried cold turkey a few times. Wow, that certainly was not my cup of tea. Those cravings came hard and they came fast. At times it felt as though I was drowning, grasping for that lifeline to just pull me up. You see, I gave those little white sticks all the power. They solved the day's problems, you know. They have that magic, you know. I say pffft to that today, only because I know better. Only because I took the time to figure out my triggers, find my own personal reasons why I smoked, what I used smoking to replace, why I kept thinking it was saving me from something when I had the ability to save myself. I took the time to find another way to replace that “something” that I thought I was missing, what I thought smoking solved. A lot of “I” in the above statement, but that's what quitting is, your own personalized journey and why it can be so frustrating at times.

I've often wondered why people went back to smoking after a substantial quit. To me a substantial quit is a year or more. You're moving into your second round of things. You're going through the same motions again. May not be the same scenarios or same exact circumstances, but the same motions. As humans, we have a tendency to have our own personal tendencies to deal with stress, traumatic events in our lives, but why was that white tube always your savior? Your cure all, end all solution to life's problems. You know what is in them or at least you should by now know how many chemicals and toxins are in them. You get dizzy when smoking because:

Nicotine and other compounds in cigarette smoke are stimulants and may cause a brief feeling of light-headedness. A main component of smoke is carbon monoxide. When inhaled, this gas binds to your red blood cells faster than oxygen, depriving your body of the oxygen it needs. 

So knowing this, where is your justification for going back? Where does the magic power lie?

They say it's the dopamine fix. We're pleasure junkies. We're looking for the next joy jolt. After a month, all physical symptoms are gone. It's all psychological. Your brain, your memory center, can be your worst enemy. I remember back at about day 60 and then it showed up again around day 150 or so that I wanted to test drive just one cigarette. One cigarette isn't going to hurt me. I've been quit now for 2 to 5 months. I'd be good to go, no worries. Every single time those thoughts would pop in my mind early into my quit, I'd come to this site and go right to Relapse Prevention. I'd read the stories of members from back in the beginning of time and see they were thinking the exact same as I was. Strange how we all go through it but just at different times. There's some wonderful resources on this site. Use them. Search for them.

Now when those thoughts come upon me at 500 days, the first thought that comes to mind is now what is bothering you..... what is bringing up this thought of smoking that you feel you need to do to take care of something for you? I take a personal inventory, figure it out, take care of it, and go about my day. It doesn't take long. Usually I'm tired or hungry. Sometimes it's the simple change of seasons. It could be a reward for a task finally accomplished. If I'm getting frustrated or angry about something (one huge trigger for me that always brought me back to smoking), I sit back, take a few minutes to look at the problem objectively, find a solution and move on. Isn't that what nonsmokers do? Isn't that what most people do? That dependent behavior is gone. I'm in charge now.

When you first start the journey, the seas are rough. There's many storms that are brewing. You start with the physical and then move on to the psychological. The crashing waves are the physical. The occasional typhoons and hurricanes and sometimes tornadoes that rock your sea is the psychological. They always told me that after a year or so, everything seems to kind of level off, become calmer, peaceful, tranquil. I by far have more calmer seas now. I'm so grateful to have stuck with it. I'm glad I dug my heels in and for once my stubbornness has triumphed. This is one thing that I will not fail at. I will prove to all the naysayers that I will do this. I will not let a piece of paper with tobacco control me. I will be in control.

We all have mantras, nope, nope, nope. Develop your own, something you repeat to yourself when a craving hits or the thought of smoking pops in your head. If you need a stress ball, grab one. You need a hair tie or a rubberband on your wrist to snap, get one. Read as much as you can. Use the search tool on this site or Google things that you are curious about. Go on other sites, ask questions. Get your playbook ready. Develop a strategy. If this happens, I will ….......... instead of smoke. You don't need those things. You really don't. Once you have a few months under your belt, you will notice how much time you truly wasted smoking, how much money you spent, how many things you missed out on. Make a journal of what you're going through in the beginning. If you don't want to do it here, then make your personal journal at home.

Trust me, you'll be referring back to it from time to time. And you should be, that's what it's there for, because that reinforces your quit, reinforces your willpower, your strength. When I have weak moments from time to time, and I've noticed they come up around certain milestones in my life, anniversaries of some hurtful memories or a death of a loved one, I'll go back to my very early blogs and read them over again to see how much I've grown, that it's okay to feel pain, disappointment, hurt. That's part of living life, isn't it? The only difference for me is that I'm doing it as a former smoker, smoke free. So stick with it. You're going to discover so much about yourself. Give this gift to yourself.... You won't regret it !!!! Hopefully some of what I wrote resonated with some of you. Blessings to all.........

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23 Comentarios

This is a great blog Lori ,thanks for sharing because this is a powerful awe inspiring post and most definitely worth reading, yay for you when you wake up in the morning with 500 glorious DOF wowser my friend and fellow Exer, see you at the Freedom Train tomorrow to celebrate your wonderful quit. ☆


Nice blog, Lori and congratulations on 500 (almost) days.  I read the entire blog and agree with most of it but I don't agree with

reinforces your willpower

Maybe it's a matter of semantics but I don't think quitting has anything to do with willpower.  I think if it did, I would be smoking because I have little to no willpower.  I think the education from this site, the journaling, the staying close to the site, and the identification of triggers and how to deal with them have been of the most benefit to me.   I have learned a great deal about the Ellen I was supposed to be but nearly suffocated physically and emotionally.  I will tell you that this is the FIRST quit of my serial quitting where the "just one" absolutely never surfaced.  NOPE was my mantra at the beginning and it apparently stuck.

Big congratulations.



Hi there and CONGRATS on 500 days! Great blog! It still amazes me how wonderful freedom feels even after almost 7 years!! Be sure to celebrate that beautiful number! 


You are right Ellen, being willing to go the distance along with determination and commitment, I haven't got willpower either in most things in life. elvan but crazymama_Lori this is still an awesome blog from you  our friend and fellow Exer. ☆


Congrats on 500 DOF !

Reaaly nice post, good to see you around again were missed!


At 500 you're entitled! Thanks for sharing your wisdom!





Great blog Lori. Glad to see you. I have missed you, even though I know where to find you lol.  Congratulations on 500 big days.


Congratulations! All milestones are big but for me 500 days was BIG.  Nice blog. First, we figure out smoking is not required and then we learn to love being and ex


Congratulations on 500 days!


Congratulations on your 500 days freedom. Glad you stopped by to say hello.



Congrats on 500 DOF.  Your blog was wonderful and insightful!!

Cheers to 500+ DOF or forever might be better.


Hey hey Lori!  Great to be reading your blogs again....I hope you can find more time to spend here....we miss you...your blog here is very very very inspiring and to the point....I enjoyed every word of it....your experience strength and hope is awesome....and it is just is "yours!" And you conveyed it beautifully.  I have a very similar take on my time as well, and I have also written about it, and put it out there for others to read and enjoy & perhaps learn from...who knows...not every flavor of tea it suitable for every palette.  But one thing is constant....the death and destruction that nicotine leaves in its wake.  Thanks again...I'll plug my recent blog which I find a lot of similarities in your blog here.  A couple of days ago, I blogged... Thanks again and congratulations on your awesome milestone of 500 Days, (my next significant milestone that I look forward to as well)

Pops 380 DOF!


crazymama_Lori , I have missed seeing your insightful, informative, and often entertaining blogs here. Thanks for sharing your unique perspectives with those of us who journey down the same path together. Awesome blog written by an awesome Ex! Congratulations on making it to this milestone with such wisdom and grace (unlike the early days when we felt more likely to be screaming and pulling our hair out).

Image result for floral bouquets       Image result for celebration  These people are in awe of your quit, and your insightful writing skills as well.




Hi Lori,

I don't think you're long winded.  I enjoy reading your posts.  Keep 'em coming.  I find them inspiring.  I'm so proud of you.  Keep up the good work.


7 years!  I'm impressed.  Congrats to you my friend!


Congratulations on your wonderful Quit, Lori!  You truly are an inspiration to so many people here on EX!

xxxooo,  Sky


thanks dale


thanks to all who commented and also mentioned me in the Freedom Train.  I hope all stop in and say how they're doing once in a while.  it's nice to hear that their quits are still going strong


Congratulation on 500 days quit.  Thank you for your post, I provides me (just starting my quit) a view of my future.  Thanks again and congratulations!!

Community Manager
Community Manager

This is great!  crazymama_Lori‌.  Great to see some life in‌.  I'm sure you celebrated also on the Freedom Train but's great to see your post in here where you get to stand up and talk.

EX Community Manager


Hip Hip Hooray for 500 days!

Acerca del autor
Never be afraid or embarrassed about your "smoking thoughts" while quitting, they're there to remind us how strong we truly can be. Always remember, you will always WANT to smoke, but you have to CHOOSE not to. We can't break the ties that bind us without first changing the cycle that created it.