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Share your quitting journey

Yay for another Sunny smoke free day in the Maritimes!

2 7 101

I was thinking about how fortunate I am that in three months I will have 2 yrs in but I will not take my quit for granted because I know it only takes a split second to screw it up by not thinking, so I will always remember to be on guard and protect it with everything in me. I sometimes take it for granted and I then I look back and remember the first few cigarettes I smoked in the mornings outside with my coffee coughing my fool head off thinking one of these times I might hork up a lung or maybe both, choking so hard that I had tears in my eyes and still sucking on that cigarette, doesn't that sound familiar??? - thank the good Lord that I wised, thank the good Lord that you wised up, that we all wised up. I know there's a few of you my friends and fellow Exers that's struggling right now, you can keep moving forward, there's nothing back there but memories but your future can and will be so much better without the crutch of cigarettes. Life as an Exer really does get easier as time goes on but it definitely does take time, keep your mind as well as your hands occupied and stay close to this site because we're all here for you, keep adding on your awesome days of freedom and at the end of each day you can smile and say another day WON. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Marilyn 641 DOF 


7 Comentarios

Good morning Marilyn. Where I live, people suffer tremendously from allergies. Just the mix of pollen producing plants in the area-seems like more than half the population here always suffer with runny noses and watery eyes. For some reason, I rarely had trouble of any sort as a smoker, but here lately have had a bit more congestion. Anyway, laying in bed trying to fall asleep last night, I realized that my congestion cleared very quickly, whereas when I was a smoker-I probably would have laid awake half the night trying to breathe. My silia (is that the right name?) actually clear the airways now, just as nature intended. Being a nonsmoker is good. Even during allergy season. = )


Hello am just starting.i haven't had a cigarette so far today.I don't want to smoke anymore .my quit date is on Monday,but I ranked out of cigarettes and willing to start today.any encouragement please


(I just sent philly a welcome message and suggested she write a blog post).

Good morning, Sunshine!

I never coughed with my first cigarette - more the pity!  Another reason I was able to fool myself for so long!

It's another gorgeous day in the mid-Atlantic  today.  You must have the same weather system over you. 

I was going to hit the ground running this morning, but it just didn't happen!  🙂  Maybe I will work on trimming the forsythia bushes.  They run the entire length of my backyard (probably 50-60 of them) and they need to be cut all the way back.  They get to a point where only the tips of the branches bloom and they are there now.  I LOVE working outside - and will try not to overdo!

How are you feeling, btw?  The drugs working, I hope?



Good morning Marilyn! Sunny indeed and warm! Enjoy your day!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


I remember those days oh too well. When i was sick with bronchitis, i would take breathing treatments just to have a cigarette or a few. Wow, how desperate we become when we need that fix. Thank God that I wised up!

Have a great day Marilyn!!


Another day WON!


Hi there Marilyn and happy Friday! I hope you have a nice weekend planned! 

Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....