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Share your quitting journey

Would love to hear from members that have at least one year smoke free...

0 14 80

How often do you even think about smoking.....I understand it's not about actually smoking a cig. My question often does the thought cross your mind after a year of not smoking and embracing a new life style?

2. How has your lifestyle changed.......friends, activities, body image, etc.......?

14 Comentarios

I can see your concern Serrano...(this is what Serrano read and replied to in the forums)  Posted by raineydaypeople on October 1, 2012 at 12:19pm in Welcome! Ple

The title says something like "I have quit for over a year and still want to smoke, It's ruining my mairrage".


I quit after smoking for 36 years but find myself after a year wanting a cigarette so desperately. My husband still smokes and is very respectful. He smokes outside and away from me, hides them so if I have a weak moment I can't take action/ He won't even let me hand him his pack saying I should never even have to touch them. Here's the tough part that I have to go alone... He still smokes and now goes away every morning for long periods to relax and enjoy his cigarettes, if we have an arguement or tense moment he heads for the door to relieve the stress that I'm left to then become a ball of anger about because I have no release. I miss my best friend! I feel alone even when he is here because he isn't really here with me anymore. I know he can't see that from his end so talking seems to just make me feel worse about myself. Thanks for listening.


Last updated 18 days ago by raineydaypeople


Hi Serrano, I was wondering when you would post here, because THIS is where we are 24/7, not in the forums where you posted, so please remember to ALWAYS POST HERE!  Also, I see you said you have been quit about 1 month...CONGRATS ON your quit and welcome to Ex! I have been quit 509 days and can tell from reading the post from Rainydaypeople, that she is STILL in COMPLETE DENIAL about smoking and the addiction. She has not educated herself on the addiction so she actually thinks smoking will "fix" her problems...After a year I am 1OO% happy and havn't gained any weight. Hope you will open up your page and come here each day to visit so that we can support you!    

The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links to the materials that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


i don't jump one way or the other when i see a smoker coming but i don't have friends that smoke. i didn't hang out exclusively with smokers when i  smoked either.

i dont think of smoking any more and feel no need or urge to even consider it.

im here a great deal every day and after almost 6 years quit, I believe you can disconnect.

if you tap into the power you gain by quitting, i think you are limited only by the size of your dreams.

i wouldn't date a smoker.

I don't miss tobacco at all.














Hi Serrano, welcome to the EX site and to the blogs, this is where we all post . Nancy has given you some good advice and info to read.  I would like to add one thing, you are still letting nicotine control your life if it is causing problems in your marriage.  I am not married and do not live with anyone in my family that smokes. I visited my brother for 7 weeks and his wife smokes but it does not bother me.  I know I can never have another cigarette without being addicted again, yes we are addicts. I never want smoking and nicotine to control me again, I am stronger than a puff of smoke.  I will be glad to help you however I can.

My name is Betty and after being a devoted smoker for 54 years I have been smoke free 19 months and 3 days.  Sometimes I think for just a second about smoking but I kick the thought right out of my head.


Actually Betty, click on Rainydaypeople, and you will see Serrano was believing the person called Rainyday people.


Today is Day 944 for me. I go months withoput even considering that there is anything at all likeable or desirable about a sickerette. Then for one reason or another and sometimes, for no discernable reason at all a thought crosses my mind. Just a thought and before I allow it to grow, I kick it to the curb instantly. Then I can look at what just happened, acknowledge it for what it is with no more or less power than it deserves and catalog the EXperience and then - this is IMPORTANT! - Celebrate my VICTORY over Nicotine Addiction once more! 

What has changed for me as a quitter? Some "smoking buddies" have left my life, some have actually quit and of course, I've made a whole lot of new nonsmoking friendships. Beyond that, I'd say that everything changed! I eat healthier, exercise regularly, have a different career, a healthier marriage than ever, more self esteem, more self confidence in every aspect of my life,

So do I think for even more than one nanosecond that I'll go back? Heck, NO!


Sorry, my mistake but then we know how I am online, lLOL.


Well said my friends!  Nancy....way to play detective!  Betty thanks for being honest in the blogs and Thomas.....thanks for being you:)!

So....Serrano....things can only bother you if you dwell on need to change your thinking.....

Being nicotine free means NO more cigarettes....but you can't blame everyone else because you quit......

Be proud of what you have done and don't think or blame anyone else because they's their choice just like quitting was your choice......

Keep the faith!



Oooh, sorry....I've been quit 600 plus days!


I feel like a million bucks since I quit smoking. I've been quit now for 1 year 7 months 3 weeks and 4 days!

I'd like to know a little bit about you. How long have you been smoke-free or are you still in the process? Come here to the blogs and allow us to support you in your decision to quit.


been quit four years, if smoking ever crosses my mind, it is not a compelling thought and is easy to just get rid of it, my husband also smoked when i quit, so you just have to make up your mind, that you can be an example to him, instead of thinking that he has a way to releive stress that you don,t , that kind of thinking only brings about resentment, i am divorced now, not because of him smoking, it just happened, but you can have a great marriage, just get a good mind set about smoking and do not give it any power over your marriage


Hi, I'm not up to a year yet but have 39 days an I just read you might be a a month...My husband still smokes but outside as always an we use to do it together...There r cigarettes on the front & back porch an in the car also...But see I'm at that point that even if I see them I don't want them an when I smell him an I realized it leaves a trail when he comes in the house I now know how I smelt to other an U could never fool them an say no U have had a cigarette..

I hope all goes well for U an I will go back to read your original post but with knowledge of being an addict an determination U can do it..

All the above members have helped so many others including myself  to have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE an have shown U the site to look at for knowledge an Allen Carr's book is the best to try an understand yourself..

Have a Pleasant SMOKE FREE weekend an keep on posting here to let us members help an learn..


I have a little over 4 years under my belt and I never think about smoking unless I smell someone's 2nd hand smoke or see them smoking.  I can't even remember the last time I even casually wanted a cigarette.  I do poke my head in here from time to time so that I don't forget where I came from though.  Better safe than sorry!

The major lifestyle change is that I don't have to go outside 30 times a day to get my fix.  I'm loving it and so will you!!!


I have 1233 days free of smoking.  2 months ago I had surgery to remove the top portion of each lung because of emphysema.  I have no urge to smoke.  Even at the 6 month period I never thought of it again.

I do have a daughter whom I watch smoke and that is difficult.  Especially since I know Copd runs in my family.  I can't tell her to quit, I have to sit back and watch until she is ready.