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Share your quitting journey

Winding down after 4 days as an EX!!!!

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Today has been a difficult one. I've found myself craving a cigarette quite a bit. My students seem a lot more wound up than usual. I'm not sure if they really are or if I just have less patience right now. Going to go practice some yoga and try to de-stress a bit. I plan on turning in early and getting lots of rest. Tomorrow's Friday

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You have the idea.  The first couple of weeks are uncomfortable, but lots of water, sleep, relaxation and exercise will help get you through.

You are almost through H#ll Week.  Hang in there!  You ARE doing this!



4 days, yes Yoga sounds perfect.  I don't know what I would have done without it in the beginning of my quit.  You are doing really well!  Keep up the good work!

Working your quit! You are doing great! And yes thank goodness tomorrow is FRIDAY! 😉

congrats on 4 days,   one day at a time.


remember, it's just memories that make you want to smoke because that's what you are used to doing.

Yay for Friday!


Hang in there -- you're in what's known as Hell week and you're handling it really well.  The nicotine is just about out of your body, and you should gain some relief over the next couple of days.  Keep coming back here.  Go read the blogs of the elders who make an impression on you FROM THE VERY BEGINNING -- you will find that they were feeling just the way you are right now.  It's very inspiring!  Four days is great!


ah yoga!  What a great way to celebrate your body's renewed ability to take in FRESH air and invigorate your entire being with healing energy.  Do you really incorporate the breath into the movement?  Do you meditate and chant?  If you don't, it might be worth it to look into that as it really creates a more 'whole'istic experience that can be so restorative and energizing at the same time!

Congratulations on 4 victorious days!