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Share your quitting journey

Will cooler heads prevail?-1

0 22 6

I come to my favorite community this morning, and find it in turmoil! Seems we have some new badges! That does not mean that there is a new sheriff in town and that we need to move!

In my efforts to help people break this addiction, I have to admit that I have made some mistakes! So have some others! I think we all would agree that the site changes a while back that made EX "not so compatible" with Internet Explorer is a disaster. I can't fix that, and neither can you! But that is not going to keep me from doing what I can to EXtend "Collateral Kindness" to those who come looking for a hand! And it will help no one if I get huffy and take my ball and go home!

I am sure you all remember when Hurricane Katrina devistated communities along the Gulf Coast! The people of one major city, for the most part, wrung their hands, and screamed and cried and waited for the government to come a fix their community! The people along the Mississippi Coast looked around figured out what they could do and did it! The things that they could not do they left for those who could! Everybody trusted their neighbors to do what they they could and their communities were rebuilt! So on this one, I am going to trust my neighbors!

I understand the stress of the Season! But, I also understand why I chose to remain a  part of this community! As far as the badges are concerned, am I ignorant, or ambivalent? I don't know, and I don't care! They are not what I am here for, and they are not what this community is about! I invite you all to join me as I re-focus my attention on my quit and yours! Let us come together and do the work that we are here for! That is all that I have got on this one!!      Tommy

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