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Share your quitting journey


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It seems now that I want to quit again I feel like I am smoking twice as much.  Am I putting too much thought into it?


Most likely you are overthinking it!  I sure hope you see it to quit soon!  I can not tell you how good you'll feel when you quit for good!   Set a date my friend!  You can do this, and everyone is here to help you!   READ READ and READ some more!  It will help strengthen and educate you !  


I think that every time I tried to quit before I came here...I always smoked more as my quit date got closer.  The difference this time was EX.  I read about nicotine addiction, I counted on the support from the people in this community, and I made an absolute commitment not to smoke.  I had to accept that quitting was not an event but a journey, I did use the plan on EX but, honestly, my quit was a FORCED thing because I got so sick that I did not really expect to make it.  I didn't want to feel that way again but I will say that having the quit background helped iimmensely...My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX  I came to this site every morning and every evening and I read everything that was recommended.  I suggest that you read a couple of blogs, one by YoungAtHeart‌  For Our New Years' Quitters (and community members, too)  She also writes a great welcome and will probably be along to do just that.  Another blog I recommend is one that I read over and over again when I quit and it is by JonesCarpeDiem‌ /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months   The thing is that you CAN do this...I promise you that it will get easier but I won't tell you that it will start out that way because that was not my experience.

Welcome to EX,



 I cannot recommend doing the reading materials enough.  It will open your eyes to what is happening in your body and mind with this addiction.  You should then prepare, plan and commit.  The reading will help with all but the commitment.  You must decide that you will not smoke another cigarette NO MATTER WHAT.

I had not found this site when I first quit, and I chain smoked the night before my day to quit.  Still quit, though - so doing so does not have to doom you to failure.

Get ready and then jump in.  It's a decision you won't regret.  A LOT of people regret not having done so!



littleb2  I think it is more common then some of us realize.   Could be anxious feelings, letting smoking go, lots of feeling attached to smoking.

Good Luck You can do this!


I think you have some good advice above me...I smoked so much less this last year...and really working the program helped me before my quit date...~ Happy Monday...~ Colleen 


WELCOME AND CONGRATS!!! Please Check out with the videos - you may find your OWN personal answer to WHY- thank you.


Yes Sandy I am the worlds best overthinker lol.  


Thank you all for the good thoughts.  I know when I quit before I felt so much better in about 4 days.  I had no withdraws  or any of the other symptoms.  So starting today, I'm taking some deep breaths and reading any information I can and maybe I will even write bad things on the cigarettes lol. deb...


EXCELLENT!  Do stay close to the site and remember that we all want you to succeed.  We are here to help in any way that we can.
