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Why slipping is not an option...for ME

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I have thought about this a lot because it seems that some people really struggle and come and go and sometimes just plain go.  I was a serial quitter myself so I know what they are going through at least up to a point.  Things changed for me when I quit the last time, my forever quit.  Why?  Well, I could say it is because my breathing got so bad and really hasn’t ever come back to normal or I could say that I got so sick of failing that I decided I wasn’t going to do it this time.  Those certainly are reasons but the biggest reason is all of you.  From the newest to the oldest, the people who have been here and told their stories, who have supported me through some pretty dark times, those of you who have come and gone and come back again.  It would seriously break my heart to be someone you counted on, someone you thought HAD this and then let you down.  Yes, I would be letting myself and my family down but my EX family would be reeling.  I know that when other people have slipped that I have found MYSELF reeling. It makes me so sad to think they have to start over, clearly they WANT to quit.  I would be so embarrassed to tell people that I gave up and started smoking again, God knows I have done it before. This quit is different, at least in part, because of YOU and so my dear friends, my EX family, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, my kids and grandkids thank you, my sisters and brothers thank you, my husband thanks you, my friends thank you.  I am SO glad that I quit smoking, so glad that I am on this journey with all of you.


Oh Ellen - these are my thoughts exactly.  This wonderful community and the people here keep me moving forward!


Elvan-You keep me going also!!

When I read blogs of earlier quiters and those in between me, I have been where they are in their quits. Keep going forward!! I know you will!!

Mag at 712 days of freedom


Amen to that, Ellen!

And we are all so glad that you are here with your true spirit of dedication and honesty for all of us!!

Thank you from the bottom of MY heart.


Every time I am tempted I think of this community. It is a nice feeling knowing so many people are with me. 


Hi Ellen.  Kudos on your dedication to your quit and this site.  I agree with you totally.  With the help of this site, smoking is off the table for me.  What a blessing after 5 years of smoking!


That typo has to be corrected. (I wish it was 5 years) but it was 52.


Agreed! This community helps to keep me accountable. Thanks for all of YOUR support, Ellen! 


Ellen, you are SO right!  I've always thought there were sort of two parts to the EX community.  First, there is the broader forum where we all post blogs and respond to each other's blogs.  It's an excellent place to get answers to questions, pats on the back, immediate help in an emergency craving, etc.  Second, there's the one-on-one interaction through message boards and, even more, through private messages.  In my mind, that's where support is more personal and real friendships are formed.  

I absolutely LOVE you, Ellen.  And we are all so very very very lucky to have you here on EX.  It does break my heart, too, when someone gives up (not "loses", because it's not a dog that got off his leash!) their Quit.  But you won't.  Not you, Girl.  Nope, your Quit is one of those precious FOREVER Quits!

xxxxxxxxxxooooooooo,   Sky


Amen my dear Ellen, you are a rock my friend . I love your strength and your spirit and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt this is your forever quit . it literally breaks my heart when someone leaves the site without letting any of us know, here one day and gone the next day, or someone has a bad day and decides to smoke and has to go through the withdrawals all over again and that's if they even Decide to quit smoking again. But thanks to people like you on this site, I know that this is it for me, I love my new found freedom as an EX SMOKER. 




I actually got misty when I read your blog, Ellen -- It is SO true.  I know that we quit first and foremost for ourselves.  I know that it is our commitment to this freedom that keeps us from giving up.  But whether it's right or wrong, I know that if it came down to every single reason I have for quitting seeming useless, there is this community to which I have dedicated myself as well as to my quit.  I could not imagine coming here to say I had given up.  I could not imagine just disappearing.  So I come here every day (haven't missed many, and most of those were when I was in Nashville with you guys) and at least read the blogs.  Often I comment.  Sometimes I blog.  But I love this group, and as long as I have an internet connection you all will be part of my glorious quit.


With friends like YOU, Ellen, who needs to puff on a burning weed to feel happy and confident?! Not me!

I'm with you: Relapse after relapse had become shameful and ridiculous and laughable. I CANNOT DO IT AGAIN and expect anything but more of the same stupid nonsense. Like you, I am getting it RIGHT, and doing in front of my peers is powerful motivation.

There are no slips, only choices. You've made the right ones, Ellen, and have shown us how to make them for ourselves, too.


What more can be said? I think I would be a gonener without this place. Then, just when it starts to get a little boring someone like you joins and the party starts again!


Ellen - You have got the determination....I just know it! "Not an option" - we just have to not ever forget that! By sticking around here it always reminds us of that! 

Congrats and love - dear Ellen! 


You rock, and you've been there for me several times!!!!  I am a NON smoker now - I just shared some literature with a newbie I know.... hope she reads it - but I am powerless over the outcome for anyone else - and I ask for help in my personal outcomes all the time.  We are spiritual beings that can use help and its ok...


Ellen, WOW.  Your words are deep and heartfelt.  I really want to take the credit and strut around with my chest puffed out.  I will take in that I made a committment and a decision.   But being able to maintain this quit, to work it, to feel pride at the days I am is all due to my eX family.   I had only been on this site for a week when someone lost their quit and even back then when I was in hell week, it was devastating to me.  So one week in, I learned how much I cared just as much for everyone else's quit as I did mine.  Coming to eX, to help myself and to help others is my new forever addiction and I proudly embrace it!   I treasure you Ellen.  I hope we'll meet one day because I am carrying a very heavy bag full of hugs for you!!


Ellen for a long time I have been in awe of Your quit. You and several others have continued to support me every time I chose to smoke and then came back. I am on day 8 and I sincerely do not want to go through hell week again. Everyday that I come on here to read blogs I learn something new or reminded of little gems I had forgot about.


About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.