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Why Success Eludes Us!

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Over and over again people say, "Get educated, Read, Read, Read!" Some folks take that advice and some don't and yes, those who do their homework do have better success, by far! So why did she read and he just trudge along slogging it out? Why did she read and nothing changed while he read the same material and reported a life-altering WOW! moment? Lots of questions, right?

 But it comes down to a fundamental ATTITUDE that makes the difference! If you believe that smoking cessation is an EVENT then you soon become impatient waiting for things to "get back to normal!"

 Some folks do manage to stay quit for a considerable time but their attitude is brittle - they could still relapse remarkably easily!

 Others can't stand the "not normal" and just give in and relapse back into their comfort zone!

 Then there are those who even before they quit smoking realize that they are choosing a life altering way of life! They are looking at not an event but at a LIFE JOURNEY - the path of abundant addiction FREE living!

 They recognize the quit as a choice that you don't just make once but that you dedicate yourself to each and every day! They are open to a NEW NORMAL! There is no going back - ever!

They welcome these changes and collateral changes that come with it - whatever they might be! They know that they will evolve and mature in ways they could never have anticipated! And they say, YES! That's where I want to go! I don't see the entire staircase, but I accept the direction as life affirming! I will take the next step up - the simple decision that I won't smoke TODAY !

Just for today I pledge N.O.P.E. no matter what and  I'll do whatever it takes to maintain my quit because I respect myself! Tomorrow is another day! The key to SUCCESS is within you but you must realize that you will change! Your relationships will change! Your PERSPECTIVE will change! Your future choices will change! And it's all for the BEST!



Ah, Thomas -- you are so wise and your words are so true.  Quitting smoking is no more an event than life is.  It's all a journey and we can choose to drag our addictions with us or to let them go and turn toward that light.  I know smoking literally keeps me from walking up staircases, but my attitude has changed just as you described.  Nothing will make me smoke (and this weekend is definitely proving it).


So right Thomas, Thank You for these wonderful words. I understand now why on this quit I am able to do and enjoy it.  


Beautiful!  And I love the quote too!  (Hope you put it in your group!)


Thanks, Thomas.  When I began my quit I had no idea of the journey I was embarking upon.  In my wildest dreamed I never imagined that life could be this good. Thank you for your wisdom.  God bless you.


Thank you so very much Thomas.


Most encouraging and helpful thing I have read all day. Thank you, Thomas.


It gives me a "stay the course " attitude and reminds me tha N.O.P.E. is the answer.


Another great blog from you Thomas ! Thank you !

I have become more and more relaxed and happy about quitting as time is healing me. I do think of it as a life change and I try to encourage the new quitters to be excited about there quit .Even in the beginning when craves were much stronger I felt good and excited about the changes in my mind body and spirit.


Thank you, Thomas, you really are an inspiration!  I have no desire to smoke, absolutely none, no struggle whatsoever, I am so glad that I am smokefree.

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1