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Share your quitting journey

Why I want to quit smoking:

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1. To save my lungs. I don’t want to die from COPD, emphysema, or lung cancer.
2. To save my teeth and gums. I want to keep my smile.
3. To improve my circulation and reduce the risk of high blood pressure, strokes, and heart attacks
4. So I can increase my endurance and stamina when working-out
5. So my tissues will actually benefit from the exercise I do.
6. So I don’t have to worry about when I can have the next one.
7. I am tired of going out at anytime of the day or night to buy a pack
8. To save money – maybe I should start smoking crack – I think crack is cheaper than cigarettes are now…
9. I am a SLAVE to nicotine and I serve that master religiously.
10. Because I am embarrassed to smoke and I feel guilty when I do
11. Not have to take so many breaks at work in order to have a smoke
12. I will be feel healthier, I will be happier without nicotine and all the harmful chemicals raging through my body
13. I am tired of waking-up and heading straight outside to smoke
14. I sing and play guitar. I'm told I have a great voice, but they don't even KNOW how good my voice can be. When I don't smoke, I actually have a GREAT voice. But I am ruining it everyday...

This is all I can think of inside of two minutes, but if anyone has a few reasons, PLEASE feel free to share. I am quitting this Sunday and I want to keep this list on me.

I will add everyone's reasons and re-post one final list - maybe it will help others as well.

Breathe easy and smoke-free good people...
10 Comentarios
how about you will smell good? No more burn holes in your clothes. Your car won't smell like an ashtray? You will age better, less wrinkles.
Very good reasons!! Yahoo !! Kill the monster, Kill the monster.
I think this list is great. For me, the biggest reason, was because I want to! I can get thru all my triggers, except one; I still have crave one when I put the dog out, as I would sit on the porch while he is out in the yard. Now I have an excuse to take him for a walk instead (boy, does he love that!). My little man doesn't even realize that my quitting is the reason he's going for more walks!!! He just thought he was being an extra good boy.
Hey Michael
The smell is definitely disgusting. Even when you think you don't smell you do, your hair, hands, clothes, etc. It is nice to know I smell good all the time especially when I go places with my children. Like you said smoking starts to get embarrassing! Good Luck for Sunday!! You are going to be so happy, and I am so happy for you!
#14 Singing voice...

Yep, this I can say is SOOO true. I could barely hit the notes I could in chorus in the 6th grade by the time I was 13. I started smoking (what I could out of my father's ashtray) at age 8. I quit smoking and let me just say that I give myself chills when I sing now. The sound is so beautiful and my range improves more and more. My son loves for me to sing to him. Something I never thought could or would ever happen. Singing to him at night is such a treasure. You will love your new and permanently good voice! But be patient too. My vocal cords took some time coming back after I quit. Follow your dream friend and protect that quit! We are all here for you.
Francine I love the story about the dog!!!!! - but more than anything I love the reason to stop smoking -"cos I wanted too" and in fact perhaps that is the key for many of us - theres always a junkie excuse to keep smoking -there are the doctors and the friends giving us reasons to stop but when we as an indiividual say I WANT to stop that is the best reason of all and the one giving us a chance of success
Francine I so agree, because that was my number one reason, because I want to, I also take my little dog Boogie for more walks and he thinks it is cool....David I thought my doctor was an idiot, but he was trying to help this junkie, but hey I wouldn't listen at all...
Your list is a GREAT start Michael.
I too am one that has to have constant reminders around me to fight off the demon. The one about singing? Before I went coorporate I used to sing lead in a band. It was my first career choice until I was surprised by my beautiful daughter. Then came plan B and college and an office career. I remind myself everyday as I still practice my vocal talents, now over 40, how GOOD I might sound if I quit! I even bought myself a mini recording studio for the basement so I can record or just mess around, as you can take the girl out of the band, but ya can't take the band outta the girl!
Anyway, this time I am attacking from all angles:
1. I have joined this awesome site to get help.
2. I called my local Quit-Line site as they have folks that will call and check on me, which I need, and they sent plenty of free gum for replacement should I need it.
3. I have read tons of articles on,, as they are hard core and really break it down. They have me so freaked out about my organs that it gives me more strength to fight.
4. I have rallied friends at work to constantly ask, "did you smoke?" because for me I find not wanting to disappoint others is a good motvator.

I hope any of these ideas makes your list and your resolve stronger. I'm only 5 days in this time and just begining to be challenged but I am so determined.
Here is a shout out to EVERYONES QUIT!! May we all succeed!!
Definitely a good list. Try to come up with something very immediate. For me, it was walking out on my smoking deck and taking four or five really deep breaths and focusing on that cold winter air reaching deep into my lungs and visualizing how much better my breathing would be soon.

Somekind of action/thought combo like that, focussing a something very specific, is a real crave killer. The keep breaths are also calming.
I want to quit. The shame of smoking is painful.