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Why I Never Ever Forget

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If you’re still in your first days or even prequit stage of your quit journey, you may have the impression that the Elders can’t possibly remember or understand what you’re feeling and thinking – the anxiety, the craving, the robotic pull that feels stronger than the strongest magnet!

Yet even on Day 1944 I assure you that I vividly recall every miserable detail of he11 week, heck week, hallelujah week. I remember like it was yesterday the guerilla attacks of NML. I remember when I finally grasped the idea to get the heck out of my own way toward success! I remember when I wasn’t just faking – I had become a Happy Quitter!

I never forgot! And do you know why? Because Never Ever Forget is in my estimation as important as N.O.P.E. when you decide to live a successful forever quit! I didn’t come up with this concept. A Fella named Live4thedash introduced it way back 5 Years ago! Lucky me! I learned something that saved my you-know-what more times in my quit journey than I can count!

NEF is the opposite of complacency – the Great Quit Killer! Complacency is what gets so many long term quitters! They forget to log in. They forget to contribute to the Community. They forget the power of connection. They get lazily blindly secure until they lose their way and revert to Nicotine Addiction via alcohol or peer pressure or stress.

Practitioners of NEF constantly look for new ways to relish their quit journey! They empathize and sympathize with Folks at all levels of Quititude. They mature in their recovery because true recovery isn’t just not smoking! It’s growing!And like all growing things it needs nourishment, encouragement, and development!

And for those willing to grow their quits they are blessed with tenfold blessings of self discovery and awareness! They enjoy the benefits of all their contributions! They help themselves by helping others!

We will Never Ever Forget! We do it for all of you but FIRST we do it for US!

N.O.P.E. and N.E.F.

Thanks, Dash!





Thank you, thank you and thank you Thomas, this is a very powerful blog. I really hope that everyone will read this, I don't believe I'll ever forget the first few weeks of my quit either actually I want to remember .Congrats on your 1944 precious, stupendous, splendiferous, fantastic, fabulous, amazing, delightful, beautiful and wonderful smoke free days and counting Thomas, I love your number 1,944 . WTG my friend. 

Marilyn ☺ 


Thank you Thomas.  I posted earlier how I have struggled for years trying to quit. And this is the first time I am doing it for me.  I look forward to helping others once I have succeeded ( and along the way). I fully intend to help as many others that I can. Thank you again for the all the support




One of my main reasons for staying quit is that I NEVER want to go through those first weeks again!  I remember them vividly!!!

It's a good reminder, too - of what others are experiencing.  I am so glad I never have to do that again!  Thanks for the reminder!



I remember it vividly.   It was painful for me, very painful.  I really did not think I would make it.  With the help from all of you and NRT's I know I will never smoke again.  Life is so good without cigarettes!


I will never forget those first few days, weeks but I must admit that I will also never ever forget what it was like to lay in bed, gasping for air, unable to speak because I could not get enough air.  I would be so horrified to have to see the looks on the faces of my family members if I started to smoke again, I will never forget the hold that nicotine had on me for virtually all of my adult life.  



Give it away in order to keep it.... great advice Thomas ! NEF and NOPE ! One day at a time !

Thanks for being here for us Thomas !


Thomas... reading this took me back so many years. In the back of my mind, I have always remembered the first days of my quit. I haven't gone back and really looked at those days though.

I really wish I had been able to go to a place like this all those years ago. It would have helped very much.

I guess I had what is called a white-knuckle quit. I just had to suck it up and hold on till the craves past.

Thanks for the memories and the re3minder of why I quit all those years ago.

Keep them away from your face folks.



Thanks Thomas, as usual your blog is so right on. I've spent a life time causing problems for myself by forgetting the consequences of my actions. I will incorporate NEF like I do my pursed lip breathing to the point that it will automatically be there when I need it. I don't ever want to forget these 1st few weeks of my quit like I have before and, like Ellen, I don't want to forget how sick smoking has made me.



Good blog!


No matter how many years we have we NEVER forget.

That's why we still come here------some of us every day; some once a week and some only on anniversaries......but we are here in spirit.

Because this is the community that helped us out of addiction. There are people here who held our hands (you and I held on for a good long while my friend!!!) and we CAN NEVER FORGET.

We DO know what it was like....we do remember. So newbies, join us. We are here for YOU.


I have 6 days on the lozenge 


Awesome blog Thomas. NOPE and NEF!!!!!! I will remember.





People might hate me after I say this, but I've been quit since yesterday and I haven't had that bad of a time with craviings... When I do feel an urge, I take a deep breath and thank the stars for giving me the strength to quit and remind myself that the urge is just the nasty stuff being released from my body that no longer serves me.  

I'm glad I came to this site, though, because there are some awesome stories and there is great strength in this community!  Thank you for letting me be a part of it!



Have to quit for good this time! September 4 is quit date. Going on vacation and should be less stress triggers. Wish me luick I need you and will be back. Moak1e

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1