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Share your quitting journey

Why Don't I Feel Like the Rest of You?

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I LOVE reading all of your blogs....ALL of them help me get through the rough spots everyday.  Day 31 and should be sooo happy and proud.  But, I'm not (haven't been for a while).  I wish that I was as excited as alot of you are and relish in what progress I've made and loving life.  Instead, I'm feeling extremely blah.  I've put on weight and HATE it. I work out almost every morning before work (5:00 am, mind you), but is doing nada.  Besides that, my mood is pretty rotten.  I'm hosting a large Bday party this weekend, and not looking forward to it at all....I used to LOVE to entertain and would get very excited about it, but I have nooo desire to do so now. 

19 Comentarios

You are not alone - I am feeling the same.  I don't have an answer just to tell you that you are not alone and others feel that way too - well I do.  I do believe that everyone has different highs and lows and some peoples quit is really different then others or at least it seems that way.   I am hosting a party in two weeks and I feel ya on that one.  I am thinking that I may need to do something different for myself  but I have no answer as to what - whippee a new blouse - different hair color! ?????  Maybe then we will feel like different people then and forget about it! LOL


Hey, it's as much mental as it is physical, my quit date is March 3rd and up till then I'm convincing myself that I hate smoking.


I know what you mean. I am going through the same thing. But will smoking make everything thing better? If  it does then it was all the addiction and if it doesnt then it wont help. I realized I smoked 40 times a day for15 years, there is nothing else I did that often except breathe It was what I did with everything and that is what I want to change. That is who I want to be, the person that enjoys ALL of life without smoking. Good luck


When I  1st started posting here over a year ago I faked the happiness often,by saying I was doing,feeling great here or as a non-smoker.Alot of folks feel just like you do,or have. Once you pass thoose 1sts a few times and knock 'em dead it does start to become second nature,normal if you will.You are doing fine everyone heals diffrently. By the way I'm Jennie nice to meet ya! Keep up the great work!


Me too also put on weight and am not happy about it BUT we will lose these extra pounds and still not be a smoker. I have quit eating like a pig, 15lbs later though ,but its winter and I have talked to some of my friends who have been smoke free for years and do not have problem with weight. They have all said it will come off. Our metabolism has changed also so we will have to learn to work with it. So my friend you seem like you take pride in your appearance and the extra weight I think it brings you down as it has with me but its going to be okay. At least we are recognizing it and it is a concern so when the time is right we will work on it. As my long time smoke free friends say and heretoo, dont worry about it right now it takes they say about 4-5 months to get everything back in order. So on that note start planning that party and have a good time! Vickie


Wish I could offer very wise advice...are you clinically depressed....are you just reacting to not smoking...I don't know.  I do know that sometimes we should be reminding people to check in with their doctor during this process.  I don't understand enough about hormones, nicotine, brain activity, etc...And I don't mean to scare or upset you.  You are wonderful for getting through 31 days!!  I just believe taking good care of ourselves should include letting our doctors know how we feel as well as what we are/aren't doing.  Take good care of yourself and indulge yourself for doing so well!  Sounds simple when it may not be for you but we are here for you and will listen whenever you need to vent.


There is two things I do..  I feel miserable so I am only able to use the patch because I am on Anti Depressants..  so chantix is out..  and hun I know the feeling too I have been right where you are..  Are you doing cold turkey or have help?  Do you have kids if so do as I do, my son suffers with autism and he can only repeat but I got him saying everytime I say that I need a smoke or want to smoke..   He says Stop that momma and pops my hand..  Its gonna get easier with help hun if you need help then by all means go get it..  Me being only 6 days in and already miserable but I will keep trucking..  And hey thats what we are here to do for you is support you in anyway possible..  Cuz in all honesty...  Being a non smoker is hell just like being a recovered alcoholic and drug addict..  You are taking away the vice that helped you cope so now we all need to learn new things and better things to do besides put all that toxic stuff in our bodies.. 

I am here with ya hun all the way..  You need to talk feel free cuz I am not gonna face happy...  Im happy in my own sence of the word but dont want to have to put up with the stresses.. 

And for anyone with Concerns on gaining weight...   heres what I do...  Im on it and controling my snacking that way... 

don't get upset only giveing advice so if ya look into ww they have a freebie and trust me it works.. 


I'm only on Day 12 and I can sympathize with the blah feeling.  Poolman is right... will having a smoke make it better?  Probably not. 

I blogged yesterday that I felt not right, and a wise man told me that my body is trying to figure it all out.  And I think your's still is too. 

I plan on doing something special for me in a week or so because I quit and kept it.  Maybe that will help you too.  It's been 31 days!  Celebrate it.  Even it it's just getting a bunch of flowers. 

Don't worry about the weight.  Smoking raises your metabolism.  Now with out it, it slows down.  The weight thing will come around.  Don't sweat it.

Enjoy your party the best you can and have fun!


Thanks for sharing again with us.  Everyone's experience is different and I have not been at your place yet.  I have had the ups and downs, and days that I just wanted to cry.  It seemed I was so tired I couldn't even post about it on the blog.  Then the next day would be so different and I was so proud of what I have accomplished.  Much easier to post about the good times....  It is such a roller coaster for me right now.  I feel I have lost something that was with me at every turn, and it is uncomfortable.  But reading your blog and others help me move forward.  I did not want to post about some of the down I stated, I was exhausted.........and I read others complaining about all of us whining how hard it was, so the co-dependent people pleaser that I am didn't post it in my blog. Take care and be proud of what you have accomplished!  If we didn't have the valleys, we wouldn't appreciate the view from the mountain top!  Hope that your next mountaintop is just around the corner.

Hugs & Prayers



You ALL are the very best !!!  It's hard when no one in your life is a smoker, so they don't know what to say or how to say it, so I don't even bother talking about it.  Actually, I don't even want a cigarette....I made up my mind this it IT, so they're not even an option for me.  Thanks for the huge support.  I just have to tell myself my body and emotions are not yet adjusted and things will be bright and sunny eventually. And Kairae, I am taking Chantix (it's a tremendous help).  Nice to meet you too, Jennie ; )

  Thank You Bridget, Michigan, Poolman, Jennie, Timetostop, Sherie, Kairae, and Chiicone!

Hugs & Puppies,



I know Terrie....I was feeling very confident and proud a week ago, now I'm just being a baby.  Thank You : )


Thanks for posting this Lewis65 and thanks everyone for all of your advice and insight.  I'm on Day 4 and doing well not smoking but I feel like I'm eating everything in sight! LOL! I'm getting weird food cravings and am feeling really guilty about it.  I keep reminding myself that this is momentary. But it is bothering me too, so I totally feel where you are coming from.

My game plan is to eat healthy....lots of fruits, vegetables, high fiber foods, and drink tons of water.  And to exercise.  My friend who also quit smoking said to me yesterday ---

"We only have one job right now and that's not to smoke."

Congratulations on your 31 Day Quit...that is awesome! Stay strong and keep at it!


Great Chantix Really works..  I took it my first try and I stayed quit for a year...  but eh this is the last time Im not gonna pick them back up...  So yea We all here for support and yea I have a person who has never smoked in the house either and she gives me hell cuz she thinks its so easy when its not but my mom and my uncle used to smoke so they pat me on the back and go on about it...  Nice to meet you hun and will stand by ya all the way... 

Tc and Blessed be dear



31 days is pretty AWESOME!!!

At this point, you're in the "head game" part of the quit.  It's different for everyone.  You're doing great.  Hang in there 🙂


Are you doing Chantix ??  If so, it will fuck with you.  But it works.  Just deal with it.  Get off the Chantix as soon as you can, and never pick up another cigarette. 

Real simple.  NOPE .... It's worth it.


If you are not taking Chantix, I would say that you are in the "doldrums". This is a very intense drug addiciton with profound brain chemistry issues that extend to just about all of the brain's mood, reward, pleasure, satisfaction, and comfort channels. For as long as you have been smoking, no normal stuff was able to trigger good responses in these brain chemistry transmitter systems. Nicotine had hijacked the receptors. It takes 2 to 12 weeks for the brain chemistry to resenstiize after stopping all nicotine. During this interim, is is very common to go thru periods of being "down" or "blah". Personally, I found the second half of the first month to just be tiresome as hell. Quitting still takes daily work, the excitement has worn off. You just have to keep at it. It's a very good time to re-commit to education and learning about the addiction and the process of healing.

For me, 2 months was as different from one month as one month was from one week. Four months was that much different again. You have barely begun to scratch the surface of the changes. At only month, I don't think you've even started into the comfort phase. Have patience.


Keep your doctor informed of your moods and how well you are functioning etc. so you both can make decisions about continuing with Chantix.  Hosting a pary at 1 month is very ambitious!  I know my concentration for that kind of thing is just returning (almost 4 months quit) and I am now feeling more normal, less tense and guarded.  While our mood and concentration etc etc. can still be a struggle, enjoying your feelings of gratitude are separate and can give you some much deserved peace of mind and serenity during a difficult process.  We are here for you and appreciate your blogs.


Gretchen---I don't think EVERYONE on here feEls happy about quitting all the time. I know I had some very rough days AND I STILL HAVE MY MOMENTS!!! 31 days is great!!! But I don't know how long you smoked---however I am sure it was more than 31 days. We need to be kind to ourselves and give it time.

You and I talked before about the weight---I too can not put on a "happy face" if I gain weight. I can not just tell myself it's better than smoking. The problem for me is I feel lousy when I gain weight (as you said) and then, I am afraid I'll spiral that bad feeling into a relapse. Keep working out---it's not really doing nada---it just seems so for now. Your metabolism will find it's way back. It's different for everyone. I am taking Vitamin B-12 which boosts metabolism---CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR FIRST. It is just a vitamin---NOT some diet thing....I would never take that stuff.  But, I like to check even vitamins with the doctor.



Love You, Sootie!  Nope, nor would I ever take that stuff either, but the vitamin B-12 is worth looking into. Thanx, and you hang in there too ; )