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Why Do I Want to Smoke So Much When I Drink?

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It's the weekend, and time for relaxing, going out with friends, sitting on the deck.  Beware of drinking alcohol if you are quitting smoking.

Why do I want to smoke so much when I drink? 

A quit is a terrible thing to lose.



Because you're a drunken smoker?


OMG! TRDF (tears running down face)


hahaha!  Thanks for the reminder Nancy!


I did not know this: "Nicotine actually changes how the brain responds to alcohol, which means more alcohol is needed before you get the same feel-good response that a non-smoker gets after a couple of drinks."  That explains why I've turned into such a light-weight when it comes to alcohol.  I used to be able to hold my own with people heavier than I am.  Now I have to sip off my wife's glass of wine.  If I drink a full glass (or a full beer, or mixed drink) I'm pretty much wasted, time to put me to bed.


I had this problem as well, when i drank the craving was out of control. I avoided alcohol my first year quit


I had the same quote that Tom did ready to paste in here.  I didn't know that either.  I also didn't know that smoking makes hangovers worse.  Never stop learning....

Thanks mumble mouth.


Thanks Nancy for sharing, I don't think that I should drink for if I drink I do not think! Drinking alcohol just isn't worth screwing up a perfectly beautiful quit which I have done with previous quits BUT thankfully not this quit because I don't drink or smoke anymore.....


LMAO at JonesCarpeDiem Dale...omg...I was going to say, because the two taste good together...but omg he is a hoot...Thanks Nancy for the Good Friday reminder...~ Colleen 242 DOF 


TW517 Thanks for sharing this information...I have wondered what is going on lately...will have a couple cocktails and I feel so drunk...I couldn’t figure out what was going on with till I share with hubs...


You all crack me up, lol. Smoking was just a no brainer when I would drink in the I understand the 'no brainer part' from reading the changes of our brain when we drink. I do enjoy a drink now and then and I have no desire to smoke. HOWEVER....when I was new in my quit, I was certain that drinking would increase my desire to smoke because the two were a couple, don't ya now?....So, I gave up the drinks for quit sometime until I felt secure with my quit. I figured If I could not stop drinking then perhaps I needed to re-evaluate my addictions.

So anyway in summary....Alcohol and smoking are good friends and I do not enjoy the company of smoking, so I just stayed away from them both early on, so I would not be tempted. Now, nearly 5 years later.....I don't have any issues with alcohol but should I will be shown the door as well. I can live fine without it if I need too  

About the Author
I smoked until a vascular surgeon informed me of the damage I had done to myself by doing so. I quit 11 years ago, and I can swim laps virtually FOREVER now, walk most other days 40 minutes to an hour and a half. What a difference quitting has made in my life! I strive to help others find this wonderful freedom from addiction, too.