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Share your quitting journey

Whew! No smoking after my root canal this morning!

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LIFE really is grand without a cigarette in hand especially thinking back to having a tooth extraction or a filling or the root canal I had done way back in my smoking days trying to suck on a damned cancer stick with a frozen face UGH! Thankfully NOT ANYMORE because I don't do that anymore and neither do you right!? The Choice is Ours! 





14 Comentarios

@MarilynH The numbness didn't bother me.  It was knowing you could get a dry socket.  But that never stopped with many dental procedures.  I smoked on the other side of my mouth and tried not to suck to hard.

Glad you root canal is done.



Good morning Marilyn.  I have had a couple of root canals probably from smoking.  Hope they did a really good job and you are doing o.k.  Take good care of yourself.  Seems like you are getting lots of things done lately.  50,000 mile check-up😊 

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@MarilynH sorry you had to get a root canal! but so glad you’re celebrating DOF as always. 🙂 


Hope all went well. I still dislike dentist mine always made comments about smokers


Hoping you are ok, today after your root canal.  Had a few in my time, no fun, but we don't have to smoke over it.



I ended up having a much longer appointment at the dentist office for the root canal ugh! My dentist just started working on my tooth when I heard a crackling noise in my mouth I guess part of the tooth was cracked and today the cuspid broke or something like that anyway the dentist worked on me longer and had to put in a post to strengthen the tooth and continued on with the root canal! Hopefully that'll be it for awhile, I wantto keep all my teeth I've only lost 3 so far but this one is particularly  important because my partial plate hooks onto it! I'm really glad it's done and soooooo glad that I don't smoke anymore! Thanks for your kind words.... @Barbscloud @Barbara145 @Anonymous @gmailuser @Cousin-Itt and @Christine13 


@MarilynH That would give me the willies. 😳 But I’m the squeamish sort. Sounds like you’re more than tough enough for this kind of thing! Glad the dentist is taking care of it but sorry you have to deal with all this, can’t be fun. 


@MarilynH sounds like they were able to save your tooth that the partial goes to--that's great news.  Sorry you had to go through that and hope you are resting and enjoying yourself now that it is over.  Cheers to you.


Nice one @MarilynH 

Strong Mind set .. no giving up ..great !




@MarilynH Glad he was able to save your tooth.   I could tell you some real horror stories about my teeth.




I'm sure you could Barb @Barbscloud I've got a few stories as well, I had jaw surgery back in 2001 it's a long story but I had a lot of issues with my jaw including one side being a tad longer than the other side anyway I had my jaw broke in 6 different places and then put back together, I've got 8 screws and 4 plates in my face plus a hook and an eye in my chin, I went through alot including having to wear braces for over a year before the surgery and still had the braces when I had the surgery I was wired shut and when it was time to get the wires snipped one of wires grew into my cheek yikes that hurt when it came out anyway sorry about rambling plus it's not exactly about dental work! 


@MarilynH OMG.  That sounds awful.  I'd rather have a root canal any day.



I edited my above comment a little I guess I was tired when I wrote it, I'm so glad I had the jaw surgery because I was in constant pain constantly with horrid headaches but after the surgery I felt much better! Unfortunately I only stopped smoking while I was wired shut and for another week after that, then I was back smoking again ugh BUT thankfully I brightened up and am finally living my Forever Quit! @Barbscloud 

Acerca del autor
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....