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Share your quitting journey

Where are you going with your quit?

7 5 84

Food for thought....


Maybe you need to mix it something different.

Change the process. Lean on /ask for help....What ever you decide.... be careful you are not setting yourself up to fail.


There was no plan that would  work 100% for me unless I put 100% into it. This applies to pretty much anything I do anymore. This is me. The more effort I apply to the things I want to accomplish, the better the outcome.  Half hearted attempts never pan out for me.

The things I wanted the most I worked hard for and I did endure tribulations as I worked for them. The things that came easy for me required little effort on my part.

Quitting smoking was one of THE hardest things I worked hard for .

Smoking may have given me a few moments of 'instant gratification', but it left me feeling pitiful. 

I choose to feel powerful over pitiful any day. You can to.

It all comes down to this.

One choice

So what will it be?


Thats it in a Nutshell


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Smoking is not an option for me. I no longer have a wishbone to quit smoking...I developed a backbone and I quit. When you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, you will quit smoking too.