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Share your quitting journey

When will it end??

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Been a week and I'm still struggling with cravings and mood swings 😞  the only way i kept myself from giving in last night, this might sound horrible, was by viewing the "tips from former smokers" site.  I've exercised, drank plenty of water idk but the struggle is real!!!  My addiciton was a bad one.

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So was mine. But your handling well! Staying busy and talking has helped me alot. You can do it! Keep staying strong and when you feel that mood swing go have some alone time. I read that trying to hide it rather than deal with it is not at all helpful. I believe in you!!


Juice helped me in the beginning as well as regular gum. Mostly I had to distract myself with something that required me to focus until it passed.

You can beat this one!


I smoked for 40 years. Does that make my addiction stronger than yours?

you thought this would  be over in a week?

If that's true, if you really believe that, you have either an education or a fall coming.


This quitting thing is a marathon, not a sprint.  It is to be expected that you will pretty uncomfortable for the first 2-3 weeks and then it should start to be a bit easier.  You need to DISTRACT yourself through any craves. 

Did you do any of the recomended reading we suggested?  If not, you can use THAT as a distraction and learn about your addiction at the same time.

Believe me when I tell you that your addiction is no more difficult than anyone who has gone before you.  Some of us smoked for 40+ years and have lives so full of stress you wouldn't believe it if I told you.  We ALL did it and so can you!!

It isn't easy but it IS doable.  Hang in there!



Just stick with it!  It gets so much easier.  Yeah, it sucks in the beginning but as you stack your days you will not be thinking of smoking all the time.  I was almost up to 2 packs a day.  Reread the Allen Carr book.  Keep posting. Go to sleep.  Whatever it takes just keep going!


I smoked 50 cigs a day for 45 years! It was no worse for me than anyone else! Nicotine addiction is nasty! I am sure you smoked for longer than a week and it's gonna take longer than that to get over it. Probably not near as long as you smoked. Find something you enjoy and do it. Stop dwelling on cigs! I hadn't colored since my kids were little 30-35 yrs ago. I have found an adult coloring book and some colored pencils help alot. Also last summer one of our EXer's Jackie told us about freezer pops, taste good low in calories and helps the hand to mouth thing. Find your comfort zone and get in it!This is a journey and it takes time, please give it the time it takes! You can do this! Congratulations on a week! He$$ week is in the bag! Keep moving forward!

Terrie  197  DOF


Did you really think it would be over in a week.  If that was true a whole lot of people would be successful at quitting.  This is a journey.  It is about way more than just putting the cigarettes down.  In a lot of ways it is about growing up. Those of us who have been successful at quitting would not go back if we could.  Take it one day at a time.  It is living life at it's best.  If you have gone one week without smoking you can do it for the rest of your life.  It is so worth it.  Congrats on your decision to quit smoking and your success of one week.  You CAN do this. 


It takes time.  Sometimes a minute or a day.  This journey is not an overnight event.  You have to relearn your THINKING.  As long as you THINK you have to have a cigarette you will crave one.  Mind over Matter.  No matter what you are not going to smoke.  There is discomfort that comes with quitting.  If you are WILLING to go through some discomfort then you will succeed.  I promise it will not kill you. Chin up. You can if you THINK you can.


You can do this Bonnie! None of our addictions were good ones. We all got in this position the same way and we all have to get out the same way and that is by going through, through WHATEVER discomfort comes our way. You made it last night by reading tips. That's great! Sometimes I'm here in the middle of the night because I can't sleep. Probably because I'm relearning how to live smoke free. I read stuff here also to make it through. I'm less than a week in front of you and It's still difficult for me but I'm not going to give up and you're not either! 🙂

This is my second quit and I am finding it harder this time but maybe it's because my stress level is different this time? I'm not going to smoke though. I want to live and stop paying to kill myself. I want you to stop also.  Stay with us Bonnie, YOU CAN DO IT!



It takes time.  A lot of time.  Just think of how long you smoked.  Yell scream "I don't do this anymore".  You can do this.  



Unfortunately addiction is addiction. For me, the difference was when I decided "no options", "no going back"..... That resolve - feeling it, knowing it - made things so much better. Really! 

Congrats on your quit! You can do this! Stay close! 


Bonnie---You are doing fine....what you are feeling is very  normal. You are is a struggle-----BUT SO WORTH IT!

Try not to be upset that you still want a smoke, still crave, still feel something is missing. Of course you do! You smoked for a very long time so certainly it will take some time to re-learn daily life without a smoke. But please do it......because it is SO wonderful on the other side and I want you to experience it.

Expect the craves, prepare for them and ride them can do this. We all did and we are no different from you.

Stay strong.


Doesn't sound horrible at all to view other quit sites and sources.  Information doesn't stop here.  Your job, your task, your homework - is to study everything you can and take everything you can that helps you. 

You've made a week.  That's a stunning accomplishment.  Trust us when we say it will begin to ease up.  None of us would ever make it to freedom if it never got easier.  We are not super heroes.  Think about that.  We are just like you.  I smoked a pack and a half a day for 35+ years.  I did it.  Sootie did it.  Strudel did it.  Bonnie 12-28-14 did it....the list goes on and on.  YOU CAN TOO!

If you haven't, do some reading in Relapse Traps.  Here's one blog that address the "When Does it Get Easy" issue.



Aloha Bonnie, the struggle is real, but so is your wanting to quit  -  I believe it is. It is a tougher walk for you as you are around your husband who is still smoking. I have smoked for about 40 years and am on my 21st day - it is still hard and I ezpect it to be. 40 years of that junk in my body will take a while to get out. Use the advice from others - drink lots of liquids and yes, re-read Carr's book - I did and it helped. Don't fret about your slip, just do as you stated "dust yourself off" and get back on the road to quit. You can do it - it is hard, but not impossible. Stay strong. Aloha - Star

Acerca del autor
I'm 43 and started smoking at age 16. A smoker of 27 years! Wow, that's a long time :( I've stopped multiple times in the past but ended up going back within a few months. This time I stopped cold turkey with lots of prayer. A spiritual quit. God is good!