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When will YOU quit?

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When we smoke, we are deliberately choosing to poison ourselves and damage our lungs’ ability to function. With every puff, starting with the very first. As teenagers and twenty-somethings, we feel invincible and believe it won’t really hurt us, because we’ll quit before we get “old”. Smoking only hurts “old people”, right?

But the truth is, every cigarette is another step down a path that leads to only one place – an early, painful death. Maybe cancer, maybe emphysema or COPD, maybe a stroke or heart attack.

I know everyone has that one story, that one friend of a friend of a relative’s relative, who smoked 4 packs a day since they were 10 years old and died at 98 without so much as a cough. But c’mon, are you really willing to play those odds? Do you really think you’ll be that one-in-a-million person? Would you buy a lottery ticket if the penalty for not winning was death?

When we smoke, every cigarette takes us further and further down that path. Every day is NOT a fresh start, every day we smoke adds up, piles up on the days before. And further and further down that path we go, step by step, cigarette by cigarette.

So when will you quit? Because you WILL quit, ALL smokers quit eventually, whether they want to or not (can’t smoke in a coffin, can you?).  So when will you quit?

-          When you have to choose between a movie with your friends or a pack of cigarettes, because your allowance won’t cover both?

-          When you face the disappointment of your parents because they just learned you smoke?

-          When you meet the love of your life and they don’t smoke, and complain about how you/your car/your house smells?

-          When your young children learn that smoking is bad and tearfully ask you to quit?

-          When you first realize you’re out of breath at the top of a flight of stairs?

-          When you make excuses not to take your kids to the park because you know you won’t be able to keep up with them?

-          When your asthma gets really bad?

-          When you finally acknowledge that the coughing fit you have every morning is NOT a cold?

-          When you look in the mirror and realize you’re 40 but you look 50?

-          When your 20-something child admits to you that they smoke, and you realize it’s because they grew up watching YOU smoke?

-          When you watch someone you love die of a smoking-related issue?

-          When you get diagnosed with COPD or lung cancer?

-          When you die?


Read that list again – that’s the path you are on, the path we ALL chose to put ourselves on, when we took our first puff (as teenagers, for most of us). The first few milestones don’t seem that bad, but each one leads to the next, and the next, and the next. There is no going backwards, there is only choosing where to stop. Where will it stop for you? 


"So when will you quit? Because you WILL quit, ALL smokers quit eventually, whether they want to or not (can’t smoke in a coffin, can you?).  So when will you quit?"


its really awesome. THANK you sooooo much for your great blog.


Another stellar blog Sarah! Hits the nail on the head so to speak. I always used to remind myself (even leading up to my forever quit) that a person never knows which cigarette will be the one that starts the cell change that leads to any of these horrible diseases. Now I only pray that I quit in time.

Have a good smoke free day Sarah!




Quit date 8/1/10


Thanks Sarah

Its Powerful Visualization


good post,  i can see my past in all but 5 topics.  It is my time and if this site is full of this type of inspiration and blunt facts it will be a life line.


ive enjoyed this post it has hit the nail on the head i needed that its day 6 for me well its after midnight so day 7 but it doesnt matter its ONE DAY AT A TIME and I AM A NON- SMOKER truly grateful ....greengirl


-Well, have not smoked a cig since February, 2012---unfortunately I don't even know the exact date, but somewhere around the 13th.  I was smokefree prior to February, but an incident angered me so much that I smoked a few the prior week to the above date, however, have not since.  YAY!!!  Just wanted to post that i am now also Nicotine Gum free----shewwwww---that was a feat!!!  I'd litterally taken approximately 3 years this time to cut them out.  Using the gum throughout and every now and then having 1 or 2 cigarettes to cope with my mental state at the time.  I had a saying "I had to smoke today, for the safety of those around me"!!!   Haaaa!  But I am now Nicotine free since July 14th!!!    Wooooo  Hooooo!!!   My son, fiance, and myself have survived!!!!   Great blog Sarah!!   I'm not looking back, I plan to be nicotine free for the remainder of my life!!!!   Thanks everyone for the great support, just thought I'd add my success.     PEACE


I am on day 3 ofe no smoking.  It isn't easy.  But really really want to quit.  Hope it gets easier soon.


I can go all day without a cig and as soon as I get home, I light up.  I can go days without a cig and a soon as I make a social drink I light up.

I really want to quit for my health, I have bad acid reflux and smoking does not help.  Had a procedure done last week, they took a biospy and waiting for results.  I have to quit smoking now.


I will be one of those that will quit in the coffin unfortumnately, even knowing all the horror of smoking and seeing them first hand, wacthing my hubby getting radation treament now, fealing sick and very tired, I'm a serial quiter. I feel it's time to quit this site there's no need to be here, to be a bad explam to others. N. O.P. E to all how made the will to QUIT~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


all I can say is WOW.  Thank you so much for sharing this powerful post. It was exactly what I needed to read today . I am so thankful I clicked on your blog. ((((( hugs ))))))) 


I agree with everybody, What a fantastic post. I really dig the can't smoke in a coffin thing. Thank you so much, very thought provoking.


I had quit for 5 years before relapsing. I know that sounds ridiculous, i mean, who relapses after 5 freaking years? 

The mistake i made was simple: over-confidence. I thought i had nicotine addiction beat, after 5 years i was sure i could handle 1 or 2 cigs in a social situation. I was DEAD wrong. Once you are addicted to nicotine, you are an addict for life! People who have quit are still addicts, but they are addicts in remission, addicts without the negative health benefits, but addicts nonetheless. 

Never ever resume nicotine once you have quit, no matter for how long. Just one puff and bring back those memories that are stored in millions of brain cells.

I have been smoking for 5 years since my relapse, and have now quit again. I'm currently on day 7. It's slightly easier this time around as i know what to expect. I'm far more confident on this quit, mainly because i now know to completely stay away from nicotine, no matter what the situation or circumstance, not even 1 puff!

My quit day is tomorrow and I really needed this. I felt strong a few days ago but today knowing that this is the last day I'm full of fear. This post is just what I needed. Thank you.

How's it going sonkie? My quit date is today as well. So far, so good. But I love this girl's first post with the list. I have printed and will refer all day. Good luck.


Wonderful post!!! My quit date is this coming Monday and I'm going to be telling everyone I know so that I can get all the help I possibly can. Between this site and them I'm going to beat this!


Day one was pretty okay.  I will try and post something on a separte blog about what led me here and how I'm feeling.  Thanks and good luck!

Day 23 & I've had a few rough days, but this time i know picking up is not an option. Started smoking when i was 12 ! im 53 now ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!

beautiful insight...........we will ALL quit one day - we get around 'everything for that butt' but there is no getting around being in the coffin....we don't want that as out QUIT DATE.

well said...tx


wonderful blog, thank you. needed to read that tonight.


Great Sarah...thank you. My quit date is Monday Nov 5th and I'm in a full panic. I quit for 5 years and then 10 years so I have this wierd not beliving I can do it thing...xo