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Share your quitting journey

When the you know what hits the fan

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Hi, I'm returning here after five years or so and determined to quit.  I have chose a date 18 days from now.  I came on this site yesterday and connected with some people and began tracking my cigarettes and planning my course. 

Last night, my husband and I ended up in the emergency room because he was unwell.  The ramifiations of that visit are somewhat astounding and have forced me to rethink a few things.  I'm in crisis mode for the moment and I have good support. 

I hope you didn't click on this blog for sage advice.  I don't have any.  What I need is feedbback.

I'm going to have to make some tough decisions right now.  My first impulse is to push my quit date back fartehr until things get better.  I feel like that's a stance that will only take me farther away from quitting and, in the words of a friend, "There's no good time to quit."  It seems the way my life is now, crisis mode is pretty much the norm. 

I know that stress reduction techniques are a must for me right now.  I know I have to take this one step at a time.  I know I have to follow the advice I was pompous enough to give somebody yesterday about how to view my situation, stay out of the fear and worry and realize that I give the situatoin the significance it has.  And quitting smoking and making these hard decisions are ways I need to take care of myself. 

I'd like to hear from anyone out there who has quit in the midst of a crisis.  Or anyone who has some strategies for dealing with stress.  The only thing I can do right here, right now, is go back to work and breathe and focus on whatever task I am doing while I'm doing it. 

I'm really glad to be back here.  I've missed this wonderful community.  I didn't know just how much until I got back here.  I look forward to hearing from you all.


I'm sorry about what you and your husband are going thru.  

Let's take the "there's no good time to quit",

 turn that around to... "anytime is a good time to quit"...,  

and ...."there is no good time to smoke".  

You can do this.....


I quit smoking as I was getting ready for very scary, 7 hour vascular surgery.  Don't put your quit off; life will ALWAYS happen and this is just another bump in your road  That said, you know yourself best........only you know if you have the skills to deal with this crisis.

But - my recommendation is to read, prepare,  plan and DO it.  


Quit 7/4/12


You can do this, believe me, if you have your mind made up that you are finished, then you are finished!!!

i am about 81 days into my quit, almost 3 months... And I have had one crisis after another...

Right now my Mother is dying, I am been by her bedside now for a few weeks.. She not eating or drinking and is so very weak... Hospice is helping her thru this... I am here morning and night...And to top things off she dying of COPD...

i have told myself that this will pass, my mind is made up....NOPE....

We also are downsizing, and thru my quit we have listed our home, shown our home and Sold our home all this in the 3 months of my my Mother...

We will have to move out in the next couple of months, but for now it's my Mother and my Quit.

Keep your eye on the prize of being smoke free, feel the freedom that goes with your quit, GO FOR IT GIRL !!!!


like Brenda said:

any time is a good time to quit smoking

no time is a good time to smoke.

So if you put it off, that's what you may continue to do.

Will you risk never quitting for fear of quitting?

Many people do but the health repercussions usually catch up with them


Yes life is constantly happening, and thats always a good excuse to keep smoking.  I have done that many times over the years.  I stayed smoking until I decided life will happen and I will not smoke.  Still learing how to deal with life and no cigarettes.  Its a relearning process that I will b relearning for a long time to come.  When we start smoking as young teens we only know life with the cigarette.  Its tough.  It will get better thats what those before us have said and I chose to beleive them. 



Yes life is constantly happening, and thats always a good excuse to keep smoking.  I have done that many times over the years.  I stayed smoking until I decided life will happen and I will not smoke.  Still learing how to deal with life and no cigarettes.  Its a relearning process that I will b relearning for a long time to come.  When we start smoking as young teens we only know life with the cigarette.  Its tough.  It will get better thats what those before us have said and I chose to beleive them. 



Stick to your plan! There is always some crisis in our lives and no perfect timing! Come here often for support and encouragement!


Trust me - there will never be a stress free time in anyone's life! Something will always show up - or our addictive brains will think of something. Before I quit I did some reading - see below - that helped me find out that SMOKING DOES NOT HELP WITH STRESS! Okay - I didn't believe it first. But, guess what - it is true!! Being in the constant cycle of addiction causes stress! Please, check out the reding! I smoked for 40 stupid years - many of those years were spent thinking "I will quit when _________ (fill in the blank!) is over." By the time that crIsis was over...something else would come along! My quit is almost 3 years - I handle stress so much better now! Really!  Please - don't wait! 

I hope your husband is better soon. 

Here is the reading:


The free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -


give it a shot.......send your lungs on a much needed vacation...god speed on your recovery from smoking............jim ohio