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When it rains it pours, still a non-smoker

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Today took grandson to see his pediatrician to get Occupational Therapy (OT),he brought the subject  of my grandson psychological testing on the 29 of this month( my daughter's birthday), because it looks like he has autism. My daughter is in denial of his having autism, I understand my son is on the higher end of the autistic yard.  Where as our grandson is leaning towards a more severe form of the disorder, she stills needs to get him the help he needs, sometimes I help because she is busy working and her husband< doesn't seem to believe there is anything wrong with his son.

Her husband won't always helps her with the needs of their son, I feel like the parent of very young children. I like to step back but I know the early the intervesion, the better for our grandson. 

So tonight has not been the best time for my husband and I, biting each other heads off. Deep Breathing, counting, praying, I know that smoking is not going to fix our grandson, but the knot on my neck is gettin worse.


Sad Photo

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