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What's the deal with "social smokers"??????

0 18 40
I'm going to a concert on Friday...I've been to 10 Dave Matthews concerts in the past 10 years...That used to be the kind of occasion that would call for 2 packs in my purse to make sure I wouldn't run out. I have been mentally preparing myself for this for days-I will not ruin my quit because of the beer, fun, music, friends, or any other junkie lies I might think of. I just won't. "Just one" will quickly go back to a pack a day and my freedom will keep me strong. However, One last thing I need to educate myself on before I go to this very slippery place is the fact that I'm going with some friends who for years can smoke 10 socially and still have the same pack a week later when we hang out! I know that I will never be like that in my life but I need to know why they haven't lived in my prison-stood in blizzards, isolated themselves, smoked through sicknesses, lied about smoking, spent thousands of dollars, etc etc etc??? What's the deal with social smokers??????
18 Comentarios
i for one have no idea i too can't just smoke once in awhile i have a friend that smokes only 2 a day why smoke at all i no i have an addictive personality thats why i can't play slots for money i would be a big time gambler Hold your quit have fun
I have never met a social smoker, I have met social drinkers, but not smokers. Even if that is how you start out, it never ends that way, not that I have seen. Are these people you see a lot, like everyday? Are these european cigs by any chance?
Geez, I wish I knew the deal on that one. I have several friends that are like this. All I can guess is that they are "wired" differently than we are. Pisses me off! A lot!!!

One thing you will definitely notice when you go out with your "regular smoker" friends is how much they stink! That's a good anti-trigger for you (worked for me not long ago). Anyway, hang tough and stay quit!
i have a friend that when by herself wont smoke. (her husband travels) and when he comes home she can go out and smoke with him. Or when i used to smoke shed come outside and smoke smoke for smoke with me but go home and when by herself not smoke. I Dont get it at all. I wish that i too could be like that. Crazy.
Good article. I wonder what other characteristics these people have in common. I would love to be like them but KNOW that just one cig and I'm back to full time smoking within a couple of days.
It is crazy...I just have to know myself. They may not be addicted for some reason but I am!!! Just one and my freedom is gone!
I think it's similar to alcoholics who could drink socially for years then can't stop at one. Addictive personality just comes out when it wants to and some people aren't programmed to become addicted (jealous of them). Addiction is a bitch cause once it bites you, like a vampire, you are changed. Your friends are playing with fire.
"One last thing I need to educate myself on before I go to this very slippery place is the fact that I'm going with some friends who for years can smoke 10 socially and still have the same pack a week later when we hang out! "

That's what they say. Hang out here for a while and you will quickly learn that nicotine addicts have been known to lie about their smoking. Imagine that!
Dana according to the article I sent you, there are people who for what ever reason are social smokers. Scientist say their brains are hard wired differently then mine or yours and they are not addicted to nicotine, however; scientist also say that they are addicted to the act of smoking in certain situations and find it very difficult to function in those situations without smoking, when you will see the addictive behavior come out if they are not allowed to smoke when they normally would.
Joel Spitzer says there are social smokers who can smoke without addiction, just like social drinkers. However, he also has some hilarious stories about people who are more addicted than they think:

"I Don't Need To Smoke"

if you have ever been addicted to something than you cant have just one...
i bet alcoholics wonder how I can have just one beer at a ball game
Wow, I didn't hear anything after Dave Mathews Band, you are of my era.
hahahahaha! I had to laugh when I read your post! I used to put two packs in my purse too when I went to a concert! Gosh, I sure don't miss that. After we quit, the world keeps on turning. People still smoke, even though we quit. I could really care less if people are social smokers or not. I have a high school friend who's a social smoker and the fact he could have one in a blue moon used to piss me off. Now, I look at it and think "so what?" I choose to not smoke at all and I've even learned to ignore what others around me are doing, unless they are blowing smoke in my face. I drove my cab last night and found a cigarette. Wasn't the first time either. I just throw them away. Smoking is no longer a part of my life.
I've only met one person who could smoke a single cigarette every now and then without being addicted to it. People like that are extremely rare.
Who knows how they do it? I have two daughters that do it.
You'll be fine!!! I just recently came back from an outting with my old friends. We went to this bar to listen to a group sing, and I swear, you don't need to smoke!!!! All you have to do is breathe in those places!!! I was really worried, but once I got there I was the one that was going outside to get fresh air, not my non-smoking friends.
Hang tough girl....enjoy yourself and you'll be fine. You can do this!
I've been to several concerts as an ex-smoker. It was no big deal. Remember, the venues are all non-smoking, so it's a major hassle to be a smoker at a concert these days.

It was so nice at the last one to just stay in my seat during intermission and not have to go running off to find somewhere to smoke. Nice not hoping for the concert to end soon because the nicotine is wearing off. Ah, life is so much easier and more pleasant without being a nicotine drug addict.
The term "social" smokers kind of implies that they only smoke around or with other smokers. If there are no smokers left (or no one is willing to publicly admit that they're a smoker), then the reason to smoke "socially" goes out the window. Good on you for being the first to bail out of the wreckage of smoking!