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Share your quitting journey

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It's one thing to edit a multiple f bomb and yes, to avoid name calling at all costs

It's another thing to worry about an occasional h-e-double toothpick!

So what happened and more important, why?

20 Comentarios

I have been thinking about that since yesterday and I have no idea, are we not all adults?  I would never condone name calling or bullying but I hear He double toothpicks in church, the pastor says it.  I also hear the d word which I heard was redacted...I am not sure that I have a clue why anything has to be changed.  The writings of people in early recovery are heartfelt and painstaking essays and unless they are profane, they should be left alone.  If there is blatant profanity, I guess "bleeping" it out is acceptable although I am not even a fan of that.

It will be interesting to hear what the explanation is and to give the members a chance to voice their opinions.


I guess I missed something again.  I have to also google double toothpick.  The elephant in the room doesn't seem to speak in laymans terms. More riddles?


Sorry, Jackie! If I spell things out I might get censored! A toothpick is the letter L. The elephant is the obvious that nobody wants to bring into the light of day! And sadly, none of this has to do with Smoking Cessation! It's more defining Community - namely, BecomeanEX Community!


Oh I am slow but I read it again and figured it out.  Thanks.  Just keep smiling. God loves us.


The last blog that I wrote on January 28th, I was guilty of using the h e double toothpicks word.  It has not been censored as of now.  However, I know of several "very old" blogs that were - one that was over a year old.  My apologies if I offened anyone by using this word.  So whats up with this?  I think if it were my job to review and censor all the blogs, I would start with the newest and work my way back...but that is just my way of doing things.


Jesus,, remind me every minute that u  love me & i can love me, too.;even if i cnt see you with these natural eyes.



"Take what you want and leave the rest...."


I know I'm doing something wrong that my blogs are in red that I type in Word, but who cares?


I agree 100% with what Kim said!


I also agree with what Kim said but, like Thomas, I would like to know what this is about? Has something happened that it looks like most of us are unaware of? Kim, I am not sure that typing in bold red font is going to be acceptable...all caps is like shouting? All caps is for emphasis and some people are not too handy with a keyboard (my sister) and they always type in all caps. 

I would like to move on but I'd like to know what we are moving on from...I would have put that in caps but don't want to appear to be yelling.


It is against the law for people under 18 to buy cigarettes, and I doubt VERY (sorry!) seriously that anyone under 18 is here trying to quit smoking.  Even if a stray were to appear, I think they have heard the words we are discussing before. 

If someone IS (sorry!) offended, I would hope that they would let the person (privately) know. 

We all ARE (sorry!) grown-ups here!



I worry about our new quitters, they don't need  this craziness over a couple of silly words that we've all heard a thousand times or more, sometimes one of these words make us feel a little less stressed after typing it out. If our administration has never smoked then I can't see how it's humanly possible how he or anyone that's never been addicted to the horrid cancer sticks can fathom how unbelievably the addiction is to quit, I rereally hope that this gets straightened out fast, I guess administration doesn't work on the wk ends so hopefully tommorrow being a work day things will get back to normal again, I know that I am frustrated at the moment. I want only the best for all of us. 


No need to be frustrated.  To me this is small potatoes.  Our focus in not what or how some one types or express themself. . We are allowing whomever to make this bigger than what it is.  It is about us helping each other with our quit.  Let us leave the power struggles and fights to those who are struggling with power and rise above this and move on.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Keep it moving. Kill the mole hill.  Somebody pass me the mirror so I can look at myself.  Too much time is being wasted on this. Thanks for listening. 


I am with Marilyn, I am frustrated. I do not use the words under discussion but I can ignore them in a blog. I am not sure I agree with blogs being changed unless there is very foul contents but then I beleive the writer should be contacted and ask to remove or change the blog.  I had a disagreement with someone over a blog with lots of f bombs in it. The writer was made to change it, I left the site for several months but could not stay away. I try not to comment on blogs that would start a disagreement with anyone.

Bottom line - we're here to support our Quits. Rather than solve problems a bee's nest has been stirred up right when lots of new people need us focusing on them! You and your quit are more important to me than etiquette.

Exactly, we are here to support quitters and not writing styles or grammar. I think if you have trouble understanding the way someone writes with or without proper grammar and punctuation or if you're frightened by capital letters then perhaps you should scroll past that particular blog. I think it's a given that bullies don't belong, tough love and truth are very different!


Thanks for blogging, Thomas!. Several of us were asked to delete comments made a very long time ago. and it was upsetting! The"elephant" has been exposed and now could we please move on to helping others quit, keep their quit and maintaining our own quits!

I Won't quit on my Quit!


Holey Smokes! Please, lets get back to supporting each other's quits, and hope this little mess gets straightened out soon. P.S. - I am refraining today from using all caps to emphasize a point, but I do sometimes like to do that, and did not consider it to be yelling. Oh well. . . that is small potatoes.


I missed whatever it was that brought on this discussion-but I agree with all of the above-I'm easy... freeneasy... still smoke free..thanks to my coaching staff here  (-;

Acerca del autor
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1